Susan Ford Bales

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Susan Ford Bales, the daughter of former President Gerald R. Ford and Mrs. Betty Ford, has spent most of her life in the public eye. Her adolescence was spent in the White House during one of the most turbulent times in American history, and she has spoken throughout the country about her experiences during those years. She is also a widely recognized speaker on substance abuse and an advocate for breast cancer awareness.

Since assisting her mother as spokesperson for the renowned Betty Ford Center, Bales addresses the impact of substance abuse on the family. She experienced firsthand the effects of the problem during her mother's successful battle against alcohol and addiction to painkillers. She also witnessed her mother's private war against breast cancer and has since become one of the nation's most visible advocates for breast cancer awareness. As a high-risk candidate herself, Bales emphasizes the importance of early detection in her numerous speeches to medical organizations, women's groups, and hospitals.

A professional photographer who studied with Ansel Adams, Bales has recently taken a different position in the public eye. As a lover of crime fiction, she used her knowledge of the inner workings of the White House to co-author a mystery novel entitled Double Exposure. Her second mystery, Sharp Focus, was recently released. Both books are filled with fascinating details about living in the most famous house in the country, providing both an entertaining puzzle and a lesson in American history.


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