Medically Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on April 14, 2022
Question 1/10

Multiple myeloma can break your bones.

  • Myth
  • Fact
Question 2/10

Multiple myeloma runs in families.

  • Myth
  • Fact
Question 3/10

Multiple myeloma often damages your liver.

  • Myth
  • Fact
Question 4/10

Doctors may use your own stem cells to treat multiple myeloma.

  • Myth
  • Fact
Question 5/10

Doctors can put a new gene in your immune cells to make them fight multiple myeloma.

  • Myth
  • Fact
Question 6/10

Multiple myeloma doesn’t start as cancer.

  • Myth
  • Fact
Question 7/10

Multiple myeloma is curable.

  • Myth
  • Fact
Question 8/10

Multiple myeloma can make you shorter.

  • Myth
  • Fact
Question 9/10

In multiple myeloma, your blood cells get out of balance.

  • Myth
  • Fact
Question 10/10

People with multiple myeloma have too much calcium and magnesium in their blood.

  • Myth
  • Fact