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2.9 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

33 People found this comment helpful

This medication works but it comes at price. My endo pain completely disappeared while on Orlissa, however I started to feel like I was in the wrong body. My entire body felt off, I couldn't focus or sleep and the hot flashes and nausea were outrageous. I had surgery in March and my symptoms were back less than 6 months later which is when I went on the Orlissa 200mg 2x a day. I really wish this w...

Most voted negative review

5 People found this comment helpful

First of all this drug costs an arm and a leg to get. I was only able to use it for 1 month because the side effects made me want to crawl out of my skin. My endometriosis pain decreased somewhat but you are definitely paying it forward with the hot flashes, nausea, and headaches. Be careful when considering this drug, it might be very useful for pain but you'll be experiencing a whole slew of men...

Shared reviews and ratings

Endogirl78 | 35-44 | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

UPDATE: This is an update from a previous review. I have been on orillissa for almost 10 months and the side effects are almost unbearable. The hot flashes have become more frequent, but that is tolerable. I've started to experience the insomnia that a lot of people have described but even that is tolerable. The joint pain is terrible. Sometimes I feel like an 80 year old arthritic person. Horrible pain in my hips, knees, and elbows. Stiffness upon standing. I pray that these symptoms resolve whenever I can stop taking this medication. The only positive is that the endometriosis pain is completely gone. I just wish that there was a better alternative to endometriosis treatment other than this drug and its horrible side effects. I have had a partial hysterectomy with left ovary removed and a sigmoid colon resection. I will more than likely have the other ovary removed if I have to stop this med and the endometriosis pain returns. :-( Read More Read Less

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Baseballmom | 25-34 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

After months of trying different thing to help with my endometriosis pain my doctor prescribed me Orlissa. I havent had any surgeries yet to officially diagnose my endo but he said to try the oralissa to see if it would help with the pain . I'm in my 2nd month of taking it. I've had horrible headaches,hot flashes and insomnia. Also crazy mood swings. My endo pain hasnt improved at all. I'm wondering if anyone who has had the laparoscopic surgery has found their pain has been less afterwards ?

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Liz | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I took this for several months. I wound up having surgery and the Endometriosis was still there.

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EndoWarrior99 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

My first time on this medicine, I had to stop using it after about 4 months for the warned abnormal liver tests. Had been dealing with liver enzymes being elevated for a few months. Once they were normal again, my OB wanted me to retry Orilissa. I do currently still have a light period, but have been bleeding for 9 days so far. I do think I personally prefer the side effects of the medicine over the endo pain, but knowing that it's only temporary is what I hate the most. I experience a ton of joint pain, nausea, and now my hot flashes come and go. When they go, I feel like I'm freezing constantly! I wish I could stay on the Orilissa; however, I know I cannot which makes me question if I really want to stay on this medicine. Hoping a long-term/complete cure/remedy is found soon for endometriosis patients.Read More Read Less

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ashdash | 19-24 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I have been dealing with endometriosis since October 2017, I was in horrible pain from October-July 2018 with no meds at all, in July of 18 I had a laparoscopic surgery to remove the endo. My doctor then put me on the Lupron, which was the worst medicine ever, it was a shot I received every three months and I did it for an entire year! I gained 30 lbs, instead of endo pain I felt like my insides were largely inflamed constantly, sex did not happen for about 4 months because of the pain afterwards that literally brought me to tears and I was forever bloated! I have been on Orilissa 200 mg/2 times a day for about 3 weeks now, there is still some bloating occasionally but I definitely feel a lot better than before, the cramping has went down tremendously, the heat flashes are still the same but after dealing with it everyday for a year it sadly becomes the norm. I had sex for the first time since like march and no cramping afterwards! the joint pain everyone speaks about, my knees sometimes aches but not enough to make me stop the medicine. I will be taking this med twice a day for an entire year! will update again in a few months! these reviews definitely helped my decision in taking this medication. Read More Read Less

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Florida sunshine | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

This is an early review. I’ve been taking Orilissa for about a month and a half to stop my fibroids from growing. I will get an ultrasound at 3 months. Thus far, my period is 4 days late (I haven’t had sex since my last period) and I’ve just started to get hot flashes. It’s the hottest summer ever so that’s not fun. But I have to bear this until month 3 to see if it works for me.

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cb3 25-34 | 25-34 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I was prescribed the 2/day option at 200 mg, so remembering to take the pill twice a day was a bit tedious and tough when I had to travel or had busy days. Overall, the treatment did stop my endometriosis pain, so in that sense, it was effective. However, I was on Orilissa for 5 months and had to stop before reaching 6 mos because 4 of those months were miserable. I was very nauseous the whole time, and when I got sick with a cold or stomach flu, it was even worse. I tried taking an anti-nausea rx, but that never really helped. I lost weight and had a flat belly, which was fine, but never a goal. Some of the initial weight loss is probably linked to hormones and water retention with endo. Anyway, I also had terrible hot flashes all the time, which became a nightmare in the summer. After I stopped taking it, within a week, my nausea and hot flashes seemed to stop, but I had a migraine and nearly immediately felt my endo pain come back, along with painful bloating. I am not sure the medicine, in my case, was worth all the extra pain and general sense of feeling terrible. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Took 150mg for one month then took the twice daily dose for 6 months. Slightly helped with painful bowel movements but not enough for the cost.

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MandaEA | 25-34 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I am halfway into month 3 and my endo pain is almost non-existent. As someone who struggles with anxiety, depression, and PMDD, I was really hesitant to take this. Prior to Orilissa, I've had two surgeries and took BC every day to avoid a period. The first two months were great. Pain became less and less and I was suffering from very minimal hot flashes. I am newly married and dreaded sex, knowing just how much I would suffer afterwards. I now have zero pain afterwards which is a huge relief. I am starting to feel more side effects though, including severe hot flashes and just feeling a bit off. My "pre-period week" is definitely hard to get through. I don't actually get a period but still feel the emotional side effects of one. My BC helped control that a lot better. Unfortunately, this is not a cure, so it is a matter of weighing out the side effects vs. the benefits. I currently take the highest amount twice a day and am considering dropping down or stopping it all together. I do wish there was something out there with less side effects and provided more of a cure rather than short-term relief. For me, I am happy that I gave it a try rather than have another surgery. Read More Read Less

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Leslie NOPE | 25-34 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I didn't last a month on this medication. Most troublesome side effects included: 1.) disastrous, mobility-limiting joint pain in my knees, wrists, hands, and arms 2.) three migraines within less than a week -- if I were so lucky as to not have a migraine, I had a heck of a headache instead. 3.) awful back pain. 4.) mood disturbances. This medication is terrible and the Ori For Me program stonewalls patients by providing inadequate answers to concerns. This medication doesn't treat or cure endometriosis and only serves as a potential short-term band-aid for pain management, so please consider the dramatic side-effect profile carefully before trying it yourself. Endometriosis patients deserve better than this. Read More Read Less

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Sk | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I have diffuse Adenomyosis, which is chronic, and my doctor prescribed this to me since there doesn't seem to be much research/treatment for this particular condition. I've struggled with severe monthly cramps my entire life and nothing helped. As I've gotten older, the pain has gotten worse and last much longer than a monthly cycle. At this point, I haven't even had a period in almost a year but still camping bad. I've tried many bc options, depo shot, and now Orilissa. It's been 3 months and this pill does not help. I'd call it a strong Advil. This is probably great for Endo but not Adenomyosis. Please help those with Adenomyosis. Sidebar: I hate the packaging, the paper tabs get everywhere and sometimes the pills are hard to push out. I'd rather a bottle. I hope this helps someone.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Prior to this drug, I had two surgeries to try and mitigate endo pain and other issues. After a few months of relief from surgery the pain came back stronger than ever it seemed. After an ER visit, my doctor recommended this and I will never look back. This drug very quickly got rid of all the pain associated with endo (no more stabbing pain, cramping misery, and feelings of general death) and bloating as well. While I'm lucky my insurance covers it as it would be 700$ otherwise, when there was an issue with insurance one month I honestly had no hesitation paying out of pocket as this has brought back my ability to live my life. As someone in their mid twenties, this is a life saver.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have no more endo pain with Orilissa, with zero side effects. I have more energy during the day, sleeping better st night, and my bloating , IBS symptoms associated with high estrogen, are gone.

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Fed-Up757 | 25-34 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

This is the devils drug. Not only did it make me feel like I was in a strangers body but I had terrible side effects that were not even listed (I will list below). I initially started this to try and shrink a 1.5 cm cyst on my ovary. After 3 months of the medication,destroying my body I quit taking it. I go for a follow up ultrasound and the cyst is still there, has not shrunk and now I have a 5 cm cyst that he formed while I was on this medicine. It has now been almost 1 month off Orilissa and I am still having side effects from it. I am really worried at this point that they may never go away. Side Effects Not Listed: -Brain Fog / Forgetfulness- to the point I could be talking and mid sentence would forget what I was saying. I am still suffering for this a bit. -Muscle Spasms / Twitching- My legs, arms and hands would jump and twitch beyond my control and I am still having this now. -Irritable- I could not stand a lot of commotion. If there were multiple people taking or different sounds I would feel like I wanted to pull my hair out and would have to get up immediately and go somewhere quiet. -I felt disgusting. I didn’t want to be touched. I hated my body and what I was doing to it. -I felt like a stranger in my own body. Family would ask me what was wrong or how they could help and all I could say was I don’t know. I had no clue why I felt the way that I did. -Migraines- At least 5 days a week I would have a terrible migraine and have to leave work and go lay in the dark. -Feeling Faint- Multiple times while taking it I came extremely close to passing out. I would break out in cold sweats, my breathing would get shallow, I felt like I was going to vomit and I couldn’t talk. -Exhausted all the time no matter if I slept all day or 7 hours. -Tired eye- My eyes your get blurry and irritated which has never happened before. -My hands would shake and legs would feel weak daily. -The pain never went away completely. It was aways there. -Acid RefluxRead More Read Less

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Anonymous | 45-54 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

In light of all the negative reviews I felt I needed to write my review. I'm in my late 40's and have had severe endo all my life. Two surgeries. I started taking Orilissa 5 weeks ago, 150 mg. It works great! No period, no pelvic pain, pelvic inflammation reduced. Only side effect, mild hot flash once in awhile. Compared to all the hell of endo, this is a God send. And, I want to thank all the researchers and folks who worked to create and bring this drug to market. Thank you for giving me my life back!! Read More Read Less

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r3bsz7 | 25-34 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Hello! this is just an update. i am scheduled for a partial hysto. after describing to my dr all that i was feeling he suggested i stop taking the pill immediately. the side effects never subsided and my period hasnt came since january. which i wouldnt have mind if i wasnt walking around looking like a oompa loompa. im still bloated, cramping and experiencing all the same endo pain. best of luck to all those who have found relief! and i pray for those who are still struggling like myself.

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Ashley | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I was able to take it for 2 months at $5/month and then suddenly found out that it would cost me over $700/month. My doctors office filed several appeals and they were all denied. I have been on Zoladex for 3 years and the Orilissa worked just as well, but with fewer side effects. It’s heartbreaking that I finally found something that works, but have to pay so much for it. Thanks Orilissa.

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Shytrenise | 25-34 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have been suffering from endometriosis for many many years n I was seriously considering a hysterectomy even though i have no children so orilissa was the last option for me lets start with the bad...I do get hot flashes the headaches every day get annoying n the insomnia is crazy...the first 4 weeks these symptoms all of them were daily...I also experienced spotting for at least 3 that im in week 5 I have not had a period nor have i had any endo pain so im happy. Not only have I have not had a period but the headaches n hot flashes have calmed down some as well instead of 7 days a week more like 2 days a week so hopefully those go away as well Read More Read Less

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r3bsz7 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

i am on month 2, and i feel absolutely miserable. my endo pain is the same, ive had no relief and my cycle is now 9 days late. i dont feel like myself at all. im either sad, irritated or just in pain. im really hoping to see a hysterectomy in my future because at this point i feel completely hopeless.

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Courtnie | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I have only been on Orilissa for a week now, but the side effects are already taking a toll. The hot flashes are there, but manageable. The joint pain is what’s getting to me. My elbows clear down to my fingers are in so much pain I can barely move them. I haven’t noticed a huge change in the endometriosis pain, but at this point I’m not too sure if I’ll stay on this medicine to find out. When I called the manufacturer and spoke to them about the pain, they simply said it’s known side effect. Definitely going to be weighing my options and figuring out which pain I want to deal with. Read More Read Less

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