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3.8 Overall Rating


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During the first month I took 1 40mg pill daily. Week 1, no change. Week 2, sensative scalp and reddening of the face/ arms. Week 3 sensative to sunlight and dry lips. Week 4, dry lips and skin felt very tight. I have now started my second month and now take a 40mg pill twice daily. Week 5, My face is alomst completely clear, something I have never experienced. However, tender scal...

Most voted negative review

14 People found this comment helpful

Our niece just died from taking this medication and birth control pills. Don't take it!

Shared reviews and ratings

raarrgghh | 19-24 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I was on claravis (20mg) for a little over two weeks (took 16 tables) and my acne has completely disappeared from my body and face. Had some side effects, such as severely chapped lips while on it, which was okay. The day or two after I stopped, I had my first outbreak of HSV-1 ever (at the sight of the previous lip dryness), and now, a week later, it is difficult for me to maintain an erection. I no longer wake up with morning wood, which is something I've had probably for the past 10 years. My hair also no longer gets greasy, so if I don't shower for 3 days, it's completely unnoticeable, whereas before it was noticeable the next morning. The dryer or less greasy hair is acceptable for me. The clear skin is great. The ED or beginning stages of it is so heartbreaking at this point in my life, and my girlfriend has noticed it too. For clear skin, this was definitely NOT worth it. I would rather my face look like the Himalayan Mountains than have to deal with this at 20 years old. If the side effects are only temporary, such as less than one month, I will change my satisfaction to 4 stars instead of 0. I will update this in one monthRead More Read Less

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benhigh527 | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

135 lbs, male here. Started 20mg/day on first month. 40mg/day 2nd month. Minor and manageable rashes up to this point. On third month, it was upped to 60mg/day. But after two days of taking it, my rashes got out of control. It's all over my arms, elbows and spreading on my neck. Back and muscle pains are also starting to be noticable. At this time, I would prefer having acne than what I have now. I'm far in far worse shape now. Satisfaction is 1 out of 5 right now. It can go up to 3 out of 5 (at best), assuming these side effects disappear and that they're not permanent!Read More Read Less

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lifelongchange | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

The dedication to the iPLEDGE program and the monthly blood work I went through was worth it. At first the acne got worse. I was so embarrassed, but I pushed through it. By the 4th month the acne started going away dramatically. By the 5th month I barley had any acne and by the 6th I had none. I had extremely chapped lips, rectal bleeding, and rashes. Chapstick became my best friend and I learned to use Vaseline if I felt like taking a bowel movement. The bleeding of the rectum is only from how dry your skin gets, so it tears and no longer has the moisture for elasticity. This side effect didn't occur until 4 months in and went away after a month of being off it. My doctor gave me a special lotion for my rashes that worked great. I have been off Claravis for almost 2 years and it was seriously the BEST DECISION I HAD EVER MADE IN MY LIFE! I never wear foundation, I get compliments all the time on how perfect my skin is, I only wash my face in the shower once a day with normal body soap! I barley get any acne anymore and if i do its just a small red dot with no white head and it is usually gone by the end of the day! I have recommended it to two of my friends, a boy and a girl, and they too have had success stories. I knew about it because my older brother also took it and had amazing results. #1 must have for serve acne in my book!Read More Read Less

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lavendersunrise | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

Just started taking claravis after having severe scarring acne for what seems like forever. After having kids, the nodular acne was worst. I am sure that within the first few days of taking Claravis, I all of a sudden was having memory loss and was angered suddenly by things that didnt annoy me before the medication. I am getting weird pains here and there and chalk it up to side effects. You sort of second guess yourself in the beginning. I am worried for sure about the long term effects and all the short term ones as well. I feel a little paranoid at every little ache or pain as well. Acne is debilitating when it is longterm and bad enough to go through all the crazy things we have to go through just to get a script filled. Esp. woman. I should start praying a little extra for myself and everyone out there on claravis. I am very careful about not taking drugs of any kind and now have to resort to taking this toxin just to have a clear complexion. We should start a support group so we all share our stories. Thats if we can remember to go, dont get to angry on the way there. We can pass out free vaseline & lotion samples, have a suicide counselor there passing out tylenol for our aches and pains and a psychiatrist to help us deal and perhaps give us something to help with the emotional toll. I am concerned but willing to keep trying for now. If my hair starts falling out and my mental capacity starts to go I may just move to California and apply for a medical marijuana card. Ha! Read More Read Less

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christie | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Caregiver
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

used this for a 17year old teenager with SEVERE cystic acne. it worked at clearing her up, really dried her lips and eyes but able to deal with it. within a month of six month treatment her acne came right back although not severe as it had been and we are now able to use meds that didnt previously work at all. it did completely clear her back acne. we are still in the process of getting the right combination to completely clear her skin. she was happy with the results. as a parent this is not a drug i would have allowed her to try without trying the other prescriptions for her first. she has now been off the claravis now for almost four months and we havent noticed any other side effects thus far.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

THERE ARE LONG TERM SIDE AFFECTS that you can not comment on if you have only been on the drug for a few weeks like everyone commenting is.Do no jump into this drug with out seriously considering the side affects.Yes this drug is extremely effective. I could actually look in the mirror and be happy with what I saw and I was getting compliments of how great my skin looked. HOWEVER SO MANY PEOPLE ARE IGNORING THE LONGTERM SIDE AFFECTS! Five years later I am still suffering with horrible bowel problems, hair thinning and joint aches. make sure you know what is in store before you start the medicine. Strongly consider any other possible options before putting such a strong drug into your body.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I had a horrible break out a couple of years ago and nothing seemed to work. I tried: Witch hazel OTC Neutrogena acne products (wash,cleanser,mask, spot treatments...u name it I tried Dermatologist started me on Epiduo, after a couple of months then Clindamyacin ...absolutely nothing I did this time I looked like a monster...all of my coworkers were cracking. Rocky mountain jokes about my face..It was truly a devastating time of my life..I exhausted all of my sick,vac,personal time..the simple thought of going out in public brought me to tears. Accutane was the last this time my skin had large nodules, black, red scared tissue, the more outbreaks the more I picked....first month my skin tingled and became extremely dry sensitive (still breaking out) 2nd month ..pimples began to slowly shrink in size , dry lips. 3rd month breakouts stopped scarring and redness. 4th month skin was smooth, less redness but triglyceride levels elevated to the point of I had to cut greasy, fatty, fried foods.. 5th month almost there but still trying to conceal the marks..using foundation,concealer. 6th month completed treament but noticing that my hair is beginning to slowly fall out. Everyone I brushed losing more and more hair...thank god I had thick hair....Several month past and the marks faded with Triluma ..One year later ....the only side effect from 6mthu treatment was hair loss..not bald but lost about 60% hair is no longer full/ it very thin and able to brush w/o concern Clear skin only wear eyeliner, lip gloss &when bronzer. Clavaris. 40mg daily 6mth course of treatment (145lbs,36yr , female.Bx,NY Be an informed consumer READ AND RESEARCH all possible side effects. Out weigh risk/benefits ...cost/ benefit analysis ...And DO NOT PICK AT YOU FACE ...IT ONLY MAKES ITS WORSE.. most of all remember UR BEAUTIFUL ...xoxoxoRead More Read Less

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POOH GIRL | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 4.0
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bubbles035 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I have been dealing with acne for about 10 years. After using every topical and pill form I finally decided to try this. I was on Accutane for 5 months and the first month was awful. I had even worse break outs and then it cleared up and my skin looked great! Then a year later it started creeping back. So I did another treatment for 6 or 7 months and the same thing happened. I've been medication free for a little over a year and I am still struggling!!! Plus I have bowel problems now! This drug has so many awful side effects and I figured if I tried it twice, whether it worked or not I wouldn't put my body through that ever again. All the toxins from this are not worth it especially when the acne came back... Now I am eating better and using infrared sauna to sweat out toxins and doing acupuncture treatments. Hopefully that will work but I don't recommend this drug! IT"S POISON!!!Read More Read Less

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Miracledrug | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I am at the end of my treatment and I can say this has been a very difficult time for me. My acne disappeared and started to clear after about 4 months on Claravis 40 mg. My dose is one/two/one and so on. For the past 5 years I have been fighting acne. I had flawless skin and now I'm scared pretty bad. This has been an expensive process. Dry skin, chapped and cracked lips, achy muscles and blurred vision are my side effects. I started using Dr. Dan's Cortibalm lip balm and it is the best on the market. Chapstick doesn't even come close to Cortibalm. I highly recommend buy several tubes. Ask for it at any drug store, they keep it behind the counter, no script needed. I can't wait to start feeling better about my skin. I will have to have lazer treatments to fade my scaring. Read More Read Less

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causespelvicpain | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I knew that if I got pregnant while taking this medicine it could deform the baby, but what I didn't know is that taking this drug could cause me never to be able to have a baby. I have been dealing with severe pelvic pain since about 2 months after being on the drug. I am 25 years old and would like to have kids some day. The pain is coming from my ovary area. I never even though to correlate the symptom until I brought it up to my derm and he told me it is in fact a side effect and immediately took me off of the drug. My skin is cleared up, but at what cost? Now, I have to have all kinds of tests done and hope that I will still be able to have kids. Not worth it. Read More Read Less

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Crissy | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use
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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am a 20 year old female who has been dealing with acne throughout high school and college. I used to get big nickel sized bumps on my face, upper arms, and sometimes my back. Not only were these ugly (and killed my self esteem) but they hurt. They also left deep scars. I tried every tetracycline possible, topical meds and so on but nothing worked. This medicine has turned my life around. I have clear skin (maybe a small pimple here or there but NO big bumps). I have dry lips, flaky skin and sore joints but VERY much worth it in my opinion. I now wear short sleeves and less cover up on my face. Everyone notices how clear my skin is and my confidence is UP. I was a little worried about the side effects at first, but if you talk to your doctor (truthfully!) about anything that might be a problem (like family depression) and get it out there, then they can help you make the decision. I'm on my second month and have two to go at 40mg once a day. I definitely recommend it but make sure you tell your doctor if you have a bad history with anything (depression, anger problems). Thank you Claravis!Read More Read Less

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16female | 13-18 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Rosacea
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

im a 16 year old female i just began using claravis at the beginning of the month, i had HORRIBLE cystic nodular acne and rosacea i would break out all over my face i couldnt even leave the house without a pound of makeup on. i have been using this for about 3 weeks now for the first week and a half it got worse, just like everyone said it was and then by the end of week 2 it all just started going away i was so inflamed around my T zone (forehead and around my nose) and now its not red at all! of course i have a long way to go from here but i am VERY optimistic it has cleared up ALOT since the beginning can't wait to see how much better it will get from her!Read More Read Less

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Angelwings1075 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am 27 and have been dealing with adult acne since college. I went to the Derm in hopes of finding something to clear it up. I went through months of creams and some meds with no luck. Finally he suggested Clarvis and I have been on it 3 months. This has worked!!!! It has been BRUTAL to my skin, though. I AM SUPER OILY and this dried me out so bad I blistered and peeled, had a fever blister outbreak all over my face, etc. BUT IT HAS BEEN WORTH IT. I had to stop taking for a few days to let my skin calm down by direction of my doc. He said it is an accumulation in the body that constitutes it effectiveness... I went through a it gets worse before it gets better too...ugggg that was awful but I will say again, This is the only thing that works and it is worth it to go through the suffering for 6 months to get a clear face! Thanks!Read More Read Less

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Grad Student | 25-34 | Male | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I'm a 26 yo male. Since 16, I've always had acne breakouts, ranging from mild to severe. I'm currently in law school and about 6 mo. ago I had about the worst breakout I’ve ever experienced. Initially I tried treating the acne with over the counter topical meds, including Neutrogena, MaxClarity, and Murad. Nothing worked!! Eventually I went to my doctor and asked for Doxycycline. I had taken this antibiotic on two prior occasions for a period of 2 months each with great results. My doctor prescribed a dosage of 100 mg and I took that for 3 moths with little improvements. He also prescribed adapalene cream 1%, an expensive $200 tube that did nothing for me. After 3 months I decided to go to a dermatologist who only increased the dosage to 200 mg and prescribed a benzyl peroxide wash ($50) that dried my skin and did not get rid of the stubborn nodules I had. After 2 months of that regimen I went back and my dermatologist who finally prescribed Claravis (isotretinoid - “accutane”). I began with a Claravis dosage of 40 mg/day on and after the first day I began to notice a difference. The inflamed nodules began to go down and my skin look a bit better. By the fifth day, the improvements were obvious! I am on my tenth day and so far the improvements continue. I've had a couple of breakouts but nothing major and definitely nothing like it was before. I’d like to think that like every acne treatment, it is expected since the medication is “pushing out” the acne that has already formed but hasn’t yet hit the skin surface. Some of the side effects I am experiencing include dry mouth and lips and perhaps a bit of unusual tiredness. However, I am by no means depressed or suicidal! In fact, my self-esteem has improved tremendously. I am happy to say that this has been a very positive experience thus far and I hope to finish the treatment with the same momentum. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Caregiver
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

My teenager has been on this medicine for almost 3 months. Her skin is the worst it has ever been in her life. Her self confidence is very bad, she does not want to go to school. She is taking 40mg 2 X a day as well as antibiotics because of the severity of her condition. Hope we see some improvement soon. Very expensive and difficult to get. Lots of office visits, lab visits and money. Anyone know when it will get better?

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Anonymous | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This has been my 4th month on Claravis, and i'm very pleased. It has taken away most of my acne, but still have a little left to go. I have the usual side effects of dry lips, mouth, and hands. I had to have some special lotion for my hands, they were so bad. It has made my face much less oily, along with my hair. You just can't do vigorous exercise, otherwise you might experience joint pain. It took the first couple of months to get rid of the redness on my face. I never experienced the phase, 'it's worse before it gets better.' For me it only got better since i took it. But overall, it has been a great drug for me. It could be different for every person, though. Read More Read Less

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sharonh | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

I am a 41 yr. old female and just started this medicine. I had not experienced acne this awful til I had my first child 23 yrs. ago. I have tried everything on the market, t.v., and internet. I am very insecure about my acne I don't like to go anywhere because ppl will stare and makeup doesn't cover it very good either. My doctor sent me to a dermatologist and she recommended this treatment. I also have severe depression and fibromyalgia so I am kinda concerned with the side effects.So I am praying that this will work for me, with little or no side effects. But I would love not to have to look at myself in the mirror and see all my acne cleared. I haven't seen that person in a while. Pray for me and I will keep you posted on all that it has done.Read More Read Less

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[email protected] | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I am a 34 year old hispanic female the started getting cysitc acne about 4-5 years ago I started claravis 12 days ago 40 mg once a day. So far the only side effect I have is really dry lips flaky skin some joint pain wich is hard because I have to be standing at work all day.I have not seen an improvment on my acne Ive have new breakouts daily. The slow process is fustrating I hope I see some kind of results soon and have the drying ease up thats causing a whole new set of insecurities..

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