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3.4 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

41 People found this comment helpful

I have no idea why there are so many bad reviews on this birth control! I made the mistake when my doctor first put me on this BC pill to read reviews. I was so terrified to begin taking it but my doctor assured me I would be fine. (Previously I was taking Lo Loestra but my insurance no longer covered the cost). I had finally decided to take it, as I was beginning a new relationship and definitely...

Most voted negative review

5 People found this comment helpful

I started taking Junel a month ago and now have started the first week of my second pack. The first month was okay: minor nausea, sore breasts, minor bloating. did not notice mood changes. not sure about my sex drive. I did not get my period during my placebo week. Now that I have started the second month I feel terrible! The most noticeable symptom is AWFUL BLOATING. 5 hours after I eat lunch ...

Shared reviews and ratings

unknownwoman | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Premenstrual Disorder with a State of Unhappiness
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

Let me start by saying everyone’s body reacts differently to any hormonal substance! I started Junel FE around late 2021, as Sprintec caused me to have breakthrough bleeding after being on it for 5ish years. During the first and second month of being on this pill I had begun feeling depressed, which sucked as I hadn’t dealt with that before. I also had break through bleeding for a bit which was super annoying. But I decided to stick it out, knowing my body was just slowly getting used to the new pill. It has now been about 4 or 5 months on Junel, and I honestly want to go cold turkey right now. I’ve had intrusive thoughts constantly, depression, anger, and no sex drive. The only pros of Junel are that my period is only 3 days long, and I only have cramps on the first day. Plus I haven’t gotten pregnant. I’m hoping to find a better source of (non-horomonal) contraceptive soon!Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I’ve had so many bad experiences with this pill. Just like the others I have experienced on and off bleeding,migraine,decrease in libido , breast tenderness, mood swings, and a big one for me was the burning after sex and vaginal dryness. DONT NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE ITS NOT WORTH IT!

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Medschool | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Painful Periods
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

This was my very first bc and I was prescribed it from my gyno. Started taking it and seen drastic change. I had put on 20 pounds in the first 2 months of taking it. I was only 18 at the time and I’m 5’2 so adding and extra 20 pounds was horrible for me. I had extreme highs and lows with this birth control pill. I would cry about any little thing, once I cried because my bf told me no the “wrong way” and he was very confused and concerned because I’m not usually an emotional person. After a year on this pill I finally decided I couldn’t take the weight gain and emotional craziness it has caused. So when I stopped taking it it took forever to get the extra weight I had gained off. No diet no workout was helping. It was horrible….. I did eventually get the weight off and back on a new birth control that I love! Not saying this is the worse kind of birth control I know plenty of people who really love this brand. But again no birth control is a one size fits all type, you will probably have to try a couple of different kinds that best fit you. Hope this review helped! Read More Read Less

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isabel | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Love this BC no negative effects and I've been on it almost 2 years now I rarely get my period almost never get it when I don't it's extremely light and only lasts a day or two I don't plan on switching for a long time and the only thing I would say that is negative about it is I feel like my sex drive has went down which I can deal with because I'm to afraid to try a different one and it reck havoc on my body when junel fe works great for me and has been great at preventing pregnancy considering my bf doesn't pull out but I would definitely recommend to anyone Read More Read Less

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isabel | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

This has been the only BC I have ever taken but from the stories I have heard about other BC's and the effects they have on people I think junel fe works great for me. I have had no problems with it the only thing I would say that has changed since I started taking it would be my sex drive but I'm to scared to switch to a different BC when this one has been great and doesn't effect my mood, weight, or anything else really but I've been taking it for about 2 years now and would say that I love it and don't plan on changing to a different prescription but one other thing is that I rarely get my period anymore I stopped getting them pretty much when I started taking it I might get it every 4or 5 months or something but when I do seem to get it, it's so light I wouldn't even count it has a period it's just super super light bleeding for a couple days and they are very irregular, which doesn't really bother me.Read More Read Less

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Michelle | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I have been on Junel Fe (Sub) for 6 months now and I want to give my honest opinion because I read these reviews back before I started it and they scared me. First few months I was dealing with a little nausea, very painful and sore breasts, headaches within an hour of taking my pill (I took it at 9pm so that I could fall asleep after due to the headaches) and bloating. At month 3 I was having some anxiety, unreasonable irritation at anything and everything, and random crying. but once I hit month 4 everything changed! The breast pain stopped the headaches stopped I felt like my normal self again, calm, kind, relaxed, no more bloating, my skin was really clear, and periods super light, and at my 6 month visit with my gyno I was down in weight. I think with all birth control you need to give it some time to regulate your hormones. I definitely talked about stopping the pills during that 3rd month but I am really glad that I waited it out because I feel back to normal and I don't have to worry about an unplanned pregnancy. I would not knock this pill due to some of the reviews!Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Painful Periods
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I started this pill when I was sixteen at the recommendation of my pediatrician, because I was having terrible period symptoms and bad acne. The first year and a half of me taking it I felt great. No more serious cramping and regular periods for once. However, after about two years of using it I went through three months with no period (no pregnancy) and then after that all down hill with extremely irregular, emotionally and physically awful periods. My bad period symptoms started to come back and were joined by new worse symptoms. I feel depressed and have terrible mood swings most of the month. I have extreme hot flashes and nausea during the night, get bad almost cystic acne right before the placebo week, bad hip and back pain, digestion issues, and feel extremely faint on my period. During the rest of the month, I feel emotional numb and have a complete lack of motivation. Never experienced such a terrible mental state before and the physical symptoms have been honestly scary at times. If you begin taking this pill, I would highly recommend talking to a gynecologist and updating them of your symptoms as you go, so when/if there is a change for the worst you can change birth control methods before too much pain is caused.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I’m 26 been on it since I was 18. Had to get on cause I had very heavy bleeding and bad cramps to where I couldn’t do anything, I started missing to much school and work. I was on another birth control and I would get 2 periods which I was miserable so my doctor switched me to this one and honestly it’s been pleasant. I feel everyone is different and reacts differently to it but my experience is enjoyable. I have shorter and lighter periods as long as I keep my alarm on to take my pill everyday no problems. My boyfriend seems to enjoy me being on the pill especially cause I don’t plan on having children right now so we’re fine. I haven’t gained any crazy wait maybe like 5-10lbs within me being 18-26 so I don’t know. No crazy break outs especially when I’m off of the pill and on my period. I’ll get one pimple nothing serious and get my routine paps but yeah. I’m surprised to see a lot of harsh reviews but it happens.Read More Read Less

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nat | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

i started birth control for my pcos and to help regulate my periods. i’ve been on it for 5 months now and going into my 6th month im completely over it lol. first month was nothing but spotting second month i spotted again and then didn’t get my period in the placebo week and same thing in the third. the estrogen dosage was upped and the fourth month was okay, but the fifth month was literally hell. i accidentally missed a pill and did what i was supposed to but had incredibly heavy bleeding for a week after even though i was still taking the pills. i got so depressed and anxious toward the end of the month that i was seriously crying to my mom thinking i needed to be admitted to the mental hospital because i felt like i was going actually insane. i’ve dealt with depression and anxiety before but never to this extent and im still feeling iffy after almost three/ four weeks. i also ended up not getting my period the fifth month and only had a day or two of brown discharge. so glad i have an appointment at the end of this month so i can hopefully find a better option for me. but also just know if you’re experiencing any symptoms like me you most definitely are not aloneRead More Read Less

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Need help | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I’ve been on this birth control for about 2 years now. And messed up my pack (‘missed pills and took two a day) maybe 3 times last month Towards the end of my pack and had a normal period. Then this month started my new pack and am bleeding. I haven’t had sex In a month and a half. But I’m curious if anyone else experienced the same thing if they messed up their pack.

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misstheoldme | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I am 31 and have been taking junel fe for a year and a half. I just don't like it. I feel strongly affected by the hormones. Since starting the medication, I have super heavy vaginal discharge throughout the month that makes me feel embarrassed of my vagina for the first time in my life. It's thick and unappealing and definitely lowers my sex drive. During the three active weeks, my skin is a nightmare. I've always struggled with rosacea, but now I look almost as if I have cystic acne. Yet another reason to reduce my sex drive. I will say that in my off week, I only spot bleed for one to two days. My period is so light I couldn't even use a tampon if I wanted to and a pantyliner is more than satisfactory, which is nice. I'm not sure if it's just too strong for me, but I don't know that the ways this pill makes me feel about my body are worth it. I suppose birth control is effective if it makes you not want to have sex anymore...Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | Female |
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

So, I am 23, I started taking this pill the fall of 2021. I’ve been on it for almost a year. I first started it and I had two periods. 2nd week of active pills and the period week. (Pleco pills) that went on for like 6 months…? I was super nauseous the first 4 months. Well March, April, May, and june. I started only having bleeding on my 2nd week of the active pills? I have no clue why? I’d take the period pills but wouldn’t bleed? So, I took the active pills straight through for two months. I went on a internship to Wyoming and I thought I could “trick” my body. Wellllll! Now it’s September and my period hasn’t come at all!!! Ugh! I missed my period a month too… I wasn’t pregnant but it’s still a panic.?.?. I mean it’s birth control and I would like it more if my period wasn’t all over the place. On the plus side of things. I didn’t gain weight, I wasn’t super moody, and I didn’t have acne. But, I have super bad cramps after skipping two periods… ?????Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I’ve been on Junel fe for 7 months now pretty much by accident since I was waiting on the implant but my insurance did not cover it so I continued to use these pills. For about 3 months I experienced migraines during the placebo week but they have gone away. I don’t break out on my face anymore which is great , hardly no to very mild cramping on the first day of bleeding. Also no crazy pms symptoms like before. I do take these at the same time everyday at night. Overall I like it and will continue to take these pills. Read More Read Less

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Marie | Patient
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I’ve had several issues before with my period. First, for having a hormonal imbalance. Second thing I had thyroid issues and lastly I had a thick endometrium which caused an abnormal long period. That’s why I decided to take Junel Fe to make my menstruation regular. I’ve been to Ob-gyn before and mostly they would suggest to take pills to regulate period (although it is not heavy bleeding) And so I tried this thing, but kind of hesitant at first because of the bad reviews I am seeing. But that didn’t stop me from trying. How would i know if this thing will work if I don’t try. We all have different bodies, maybe some people says it didn’t work for them. But some others it did. First month was so extremely painful, I’ve had a really really painful abdominal cramps and my period was heavy because my endometrium was getting thick and so the pill helped to shed the clots going out. It will take 3 months for your body to adjust. And then the 2nd month was thankfully better, moderate cramps my period lasted for 5 days going to normal already. And now I’m on the 3rd month, light cramps not too bad, and also light period. My menstruation is getting better now. Just small issues of pimple whenever it is the time of the month but still manageable and still have clear skin. Not really sure if I gained weight. But take note that you should always take the pill everyday at the same time. No excuses. Set the alarm. Don’t get easily swayed with the reviews, it’s not always bad. I mean this pill works better for me. Read More Read Less

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AdP.jpg | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Painful Periods
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Started taking it right after my period ended. My period came right when I was on week 4 and taking the placebo pills. My pm symptoms seemed mild and currently experiencing little to no cramping during my period. When I was not on this bc, my cramping was horrible so for it to be little to no cramping right now says a lot in itself. It’s actually why I’m deciding to leave a review. Also, I was put on this years ago to prevent my recurring cysts. It worked but overtime I just stopped taking them. Well I ended up having a pretty painful cyst which is what caused me to get back on bc now. I have a ultra sound in a few months to confirm it’s gone but so far, I’m not experiencing any ovarian pain like I was before so thats a good sign.Read More Read Less

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Jaz | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

Brief backstory, I been on bc for a year (Age 24-25), and I decided to get off because of the weight gain. It was a good bc, It did not change my flow which I was very concerned about because my cycle lasts 3-4 days and I do bleed light without cramps. So I'm glad that my cycle felt normal. There were times where my period came late because I was misbehaving with my bf, but no baby so I'm glad. I did become less active than what I used to be.. I'm not sure if I should blame it on this pandemic or on the bc, but Imma go with bc. I honestly gained 18 pounds and I noticed but didn't think it was that huge of a difference until my Caribbean ass family made me feel a type a way about it. It's okay for me to be thick but I dont want to be a rollie pollie. Read More Read Less

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Anthonette | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I was put on this medication to prevent pregnancy until I get my diabetes more under control. The problem isn’t taking it. The the problem is I’ve been on it for 2 months and I’ve gained over 30lbs and I have severe acne now. Usually my clothes fit and my face is smooth. I’m embarrassed to go out in public and getting depressed because I’m having to cancel dates. Tonight I’ve decided I’m not taking it anymore. Condoms will just have to do if I ever even have sec again.

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Liz | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I’ve been on this BC for almost a year and it has made my acne so much better. It also makes my periods a lot less painful and heavy. Soooooo much better than my last BC pill which gave me really bad anxiety. The only downside I have for this BC is that my sex drive is extremely low :/ But for real this birth control has made me happier and less anxious than the last one. The first month or two I did get headaches and heart palpitations but that all went away.

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Ju-not4me | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

So I started taking this pill 7 weeks ago to prevent unwanted pregnancy (newly wed here) and I began taking it as directed at the same time everyday. When the placebo week started I didn't get my period which freaked me out! I ended up getting it week 2 into my second pack of the pill. So far I have been dealing with a shortened temper, irritation, emotional numbness and mood swings in general. I am active and since taking the pill I have felt fatigued, extremely bloated, and a lowered sex drive. This pill wasn't a good fit for me as I feel I am experiencing too much estrogen. After reading these reviews it seems like I am not alone which makes me feel better- If your gut is telling you the birth control is giving you intrusive, unwanted and out of no where emotional thoughts I would listen to you guy! Read More Read Less

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Juniper | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I began taking junel at 19 and it helped me so much with my acne, premenstrual symptoms and also helped to regulate my period. I was on the pill for 7 years but recently felt like I wasn't experiencing the added effects. My acne got worse again, I gained weight, head felt foggy, was depressed, terrible premenstrual symptoms and I was getting more frequent yeast infections. Since being off of it, my head feels clearer and I don't feel depressed. The pill definitely worked for me for a long time but it's time to look for something else. Read More Read Less

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