
What best describes your visit?

I have been diagnosed with HIV, and I have questions about treatment options.

What to Ask Your Doctor

  • Are there certain medications that might not work for me?

    Your doctor will be able to guide you through the treatment options and answer questions as to why certain ones may work better for you.

  • What is ART?

    HIV treatment is known as antiretroviral therapy or ART. It will work to reduce the amount of HIV in your body.

  • Are there different types of treatment options?

    HIV can be treated multiple ways, such as shots or pills, and your doctor can help you determine which is the best choice for you.




  • Once I pick a treatment option, can I change to another?

    You may find that your treatment plan isn’t working the way you thought it would. Your doctor way be able to help you switch paths.

  • What kind of side effects can I expect?

    Each medication brings its own set of side effects. Your doctor can explain what you might experience.

I am getting treatment for HIV and have questions about my medications.

What to Ask Your Doctor

  • How do I know my medication is working the way it should be?

    Open and honest communication with your doctor is key so they can help you decide if your medicine is doing what it should be or if it’s time to try something else.

  • How quickly will the medications work?

    Your doctor can set expectations for when you’ll start to notice a difference in how you feel, but there is no cure for HIV.

  • How do the medications work to treat HIV?

    You may be curious as to how the regimen of pills or shots you’re taking are fighting the HIV in your body. Your doctor can explain the role of the medications in preventing the spread of the virus.




  • Why would I use one treatment instead of another?

    Your doctor will help you decide which treatment option is best based on multiple factors such as severity and lifestyle.

  • Will my medications interact with other drugs I’m taking?

    It’s important to tell your doctor about any other prescriptions you’re on, as well as any other medicines you take, so they can know how your HIV treatment will interact with what’s already in your system.

I’ve been treating my HIV by taking medications daily, but I have questions about long-acting medications.

What to Ask Your Doctor

  • What are the main differences between daily medications and long-acting medications?

    You may be curious as to what the pros and cons are between the two options.

  • How often do I need to take the long-acting medication?

    While you will not need to take a long-acting medication daily, you’ll want to know how often you need to take it.

  • How will the medication be taken?

    You might want to know if this form of medication is a shot, pill, or in another form and if you need to go to a doctor’s office or if it can be taken at home.




  • What are the side effects of a long-acting medication?

    It’s important to know how a medication will impact you before deciding to take it.

  • Will I need to make any lifestyle changes in order to start taking this medication?

    Your doctor may advise you take certain steps to best suit the medication.

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