
What best describes your visit?

This is a regular checkup and I have questions about my treatment plan.

What to Ask Your Doctor

  • How do I know if this treatment is working for me?

    Your doctor can describe any tests or other ways they use to decide if your MS is under control.

  • What's the next step if this treatment doesn't help or stops working?

    You'll learn about other options that might help you manage your condition.

  • What are the pros and cons of those options?

    You'll have the information you need to make an educated decision about how to treat your MS.










  • I feel good and haven't relapsed in a while. Should I stop treatment?

    The doctor can explain what might happen if you hold off treatment.

  • What else can I do to take care of myself?

    Medication isn't the only way to manage the effects of this disease. Learn about simple changes that can help control your symptoms.

I am currently treating my MS and have questions.

What to Ask Your Doctor

  • I have a new symptom. What can we do about it?

    MS is a changing disease that affects many body parts. Your doctor can assess what's going on, and together you can decide how to treat it.

  • I'm having trouble with side effects. Should I try another medication?

    Almost all treatments have side effects. If you can't live with them, a doctor can discuss other options with you.

  • What can I do about the physical side effects of my MS?

    You'll find out about other resources that can help.










  • I had a relapse. Should we adjust my plan?

    Your doctor can decide if changes to your treatment plan would help control your condition.

  • What caused my relapse?

    You'll learn more about how MS progresses.

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