Jennie Nash

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Jennie Nash is the author of The Victoria's Secret Catalog Never Stops Coming and Other Lessons I Learned from Breast Cancer. She is also the author of Altered States: Surviving the Engagement, a chronicle of her engagement.

Nash's personal essays and articles have appeared in dozens of national magazines, including The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Glamour, Mademoiselle, GQ, US, Home, Working Woman, Shape, New York Woman, and Readers' Digest. She and her husband live in Los Angeles with their two little girls.

Nash became involved with Ford and its efforts to promote breast cancer awareness when Lisa Owens, Ford Division's marketing communications coordinator, read a copy of the manuscript for The Victoria's Secret Catalog Never Stops Coming and Other Lessons I Learned from Breast Cancer.

"I've been amazed at what Ford is doing to educate, inspire, and support people with breast cancer," Nash says, "This is not some giant corporation throwing money at a cause. This is a group of very talented and well-informed individuals bringing people together to hope, to help, and to heal. I'm proud to help them with their efforts."

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