Linda Spangle, RN, MA

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Linda Spangle, RN, MA, is a weight-management coach specializing in emotional eating. Having personally struggled with emotional eating, Spangle is passionate about helping overweight individuals develop a level of self-trust and peacefulness with food. She brings depth to the field of weight management by going past the "don’t eat that" approach to dieting; instead, she helps people change their relationship with food.

Spangle is the founder and director of WINNERS For Life Inc., a weight-management clinic in Denver. She has provided counseling services for more than 1,200 clients and has taught several thousand people in her workshops and seminars. Her clinic has served as a referral source for more than 350 Denver-area physicians. Participants in the weight-loss program have shown phenomenal success rates. Of those who complete the clinic's one-year follow-up plan, more than 90% maintain their weight within 10 pounds of their goal. This far exceeds the national averages, which are often estimated at less than 10%.

A popular speaker in the Denver area, Spangle has taught classes and seminars on numerous topics including emotional and psychological aspects of weight loss, nutrition and exercise skills, stress management, burnout, and motivation. Her clients have included IBM, Johnson and Johnson, Merrill Lynch, and Amoco Oil, as well as numerous civic and not-for-profit groups. She has provided continuing education classes for organizations serving nurses, dietitians, and businesswomen.

As a guest lecturer at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, Spangle has taught classes on eating disorders, wellness program design, and small group process. Linda received her bachelor of science degree in nursing from South Dakota State University and worked for 15 years as a registered nurse in a range of settings. She also has a master of arts degree from the University of Northern Colorado with an emphasis on health education. Spangle also has studied weight-loss counseling and emotional healing techniques from several recognized experts. Spangle is a member of the National Speakers Association, the International Coach Federation, the National Writers Association, and the Colorado Independent Publishers Association. She maintains a license as a registered nurse.

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