What to Know About Poodles

Medically Reviewed by Kathleen Claussen, DVM on May 19, 2022
7 min read

Poodles come in three sizes. The different types of poodles include the standard poodle, miniature poodle, and toy poodle. Poodles are great dogs with a surprising background and a noble look to them. They're amusing, intelligent, loyal dogs and can make a great addition to any household. All three sizes share the same breed characteristics, but the standard poodle will be highlighted in this article. 

Poodles have a fascinating history that's full of surprises. Originally bred in Germany as waterfowl hunters, poodles were later standardized as a breed in France. The origin of the poodle as a sporting dog is often masked by the more regal, elite look today’s poodle carries. True to their origins, they’re highly skilled in agility, obedience, and tracking tasks and can be helpful in herding.  

Poodles are obedient, lively, loyal dogs and make great family companions. Their average lifespan is between 12 and 15 years.

Standard poodles should be more than 15 inches tall at their shoulder. Miniature poodles should be 15 inches or under. Toy poodles should be no taller than 10 inches tall. 

Male standard poodles weigh between 45 and 70 pounds. Females weigh from 45 to 60 pounds.  Toys and miniatures are much lighter, toy poodles weighing between six and nine pounds, and miniature poodles between 15 and 17 pounds. 

Poodles have a curly, low-allergen coat. Their coat may be black, white, or apricot. They are an eager, athletic, and intelligent breed. The standard poodle is the biggest and therefore strongest of the three sizes. But all three have the same ability to be successfully trained. 

Whether you're looking for a small, medium, or large dog, a poodle can fill that need. Since the breed characteristics are all similar regardless of size, you can expect the same outcome from a miniature and a toy poodle that you'd get from a standard poodle. 

Caring for your poodle requires routine grooming and brushing. Most owners keep their poodle’s coat trimmed short. If you want your poodle’s coat to be longer, you’ll need to give them a deep daily brushing, without scraping them, to avoid matting. 

If you’re taking your poodle to a groomer, they’ll need an appointment every four to six weeks for a bath, groom, and nail trim. Poodles are considered to have a relatively non-shedding coat and are great for households whose members have dog allergies.

To keep a healthy and happy poodle, they’ll need a proper diet, enough exercise, routine coat and daily teeth brushing, and regular exams and checkups. When you keep regularly scheduled vet appointments, your vet will be able to run medical tests and follow any predisposed conditions your poodle may develop. 

Proper diet and exercise will help your poodle live a longer, healthier life. When your poodle’s mind and body stay active, they will avoid boredom and misbehavior. Make sure your dog is getting a high-quality diet right for their age. Standard poodles can have teeth problems, so brushing consistently is necessary.  

Poodles may seem high maintenance compared to other breeds, but routine upkeep is critical for their overall health and wellbeing. Adding a poodle to your family will bring so much happiness and fun. You'll just need to remember the grooming and routine schedules a poodle requires.

As long as your breeder is responsible and routinely tests their breeding stock, most poodles can live long, healthy lives. Before breeding a poodle, recommended health tests include: 

  • Ophthalmologist evaluation (for miniature, standard, and toy poodles)
  • PRA optigen DNA test (for miniature and toy poodles)
  • Patella evaluation (for miniature and toy poodles) 

However, there are health conditions for which you should be on the lookout. Poodles are predisposed to conditions like hip dysplasia and many eye disorders. 

Dental disease. This is a chronic problem found in many pets. It affects about 80% of all dogs by two years old. The standard poodle is more likely than other dogs to have dental problems. It starts with tartar build-up and then can turn into infections of their gums and tooth roots. Routine cleanings and teeth brushing can help prevent tartar build-up and dental disease progression. 

Skin conditions. Because poodles have different types of coats, they’re prone to various skin problems. If you notice your dog has dry, scaly skin with patches of hair loss on their head, neck, and back they may have sebaceous adenitis. This condition typically starts showing up between one and five years old. Fatty acid supplements and special shampoos may be required to treat the skin condition. 

Infections. Poodles are more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections like parvo, rabies, and distemper. These infections can mostly be prevented with routine vaccinations. 

Obesity. If your poodle becomes overweight, it can worsen joint problems, digestive disorders, back problems, and heart disease. Giving your poodle too many treats or table scraps can lead to obesity. 

Gastric dilatation volvulus. Also known as bloat, this condition is typical in dogs with deep and narrow chests. When your dog bloats, their stomach fills with gas and then twists on itself. This can cut off blood supply to their stomach and become quickly fatal. You should take your dog to the emergency hospital immediately if you notice the following signs: 

  • Dry heaving with nothing coming up. 
  • Acting restless and uncomfortable. 
  • Have an enlarged abdomen. 
  • Lying on the ground with their front feet down and their rear up. 

Heart disease. Poodles are more prone to dilated cardiomyopathy, where their heart becomes large, thin, and weak. This means blood isn’t getting through their body effectively. You may notice your dog: 

  • Acting tired or weak
  • Faint or collapse
  • Have difficulty breathing
  • Coughing

Your vet can do yearly electrical heart screenings after your poodle is one year old. This will help detect abnormal heart rhythms early.

Epilepsy. Seizures are caused by uncontrolled bursts of electrical activity in the brain. As a result, a dog loses consciousness and falls to the floor. Seizures in dogs look like twitching or uncontrollable shaking that can last a minute or more. Standard poodles are prone to have this condition. Episodes will typically begin when your dog is between six months and three years of age.

Eye problems. Poodles can inherit or develop a variety of eye conditions like glaucoma and cataracts. Getting your dog’s eyes evaluated at every check-up is important. Your vet will look for signs of concern.

Endocrine system disorders.  Addison’s (hypoadrenocorticism) and Cushing’s (hyperadrenocorticism) syndrome are common conditions poodles can develop. They happen when their adrenal glands produce too little or too many hormones affecting bodily functions. 

Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, is another common disorder of the endocrine system in standard poodles.

The breed is also more prone to diabetes mellitus. If a poodle is diagnosed with diabetes, they will most likely need a special diet and daily insulin injections throughout their life.

Endocrine disorders can be diagnosed with blood and other lab tests and managed with medication. 

Bone and joint problems.  A poodle’s kneecaps may luxate, which means the kneecaps can move around and cause future problems. Also, poodle hips and elbows are at risk for dysplasia. These conditions can worsen over time and cause arthritis in the affected joint. You’ll notice your pet showing lameness in one of their legs. They may also struggle to get up after lying down for a while. 

This may seem like a lot of potential health problems. With the proper care and routine checkups, you can prevent or quickly treat any conditions that arise. It's also important to ensure your dog comes from a reputable breeder. Since many of these conditions can be genetic, proper breeding is essential. 

Poodles are people-oriented dogs. They enjoy fun, positively reinforced training. Poodles work to please you and are willing to learn. They’re active dogs and require a good amount of exercise every day. They would be best suited for an active family that can keep them entertained throughout the day. 

Poodles love water, and swimming is excellent for them. Getting them in and around water can make them very happy. They also enjoy being with their people, so long walks or playtime with their humans make them happy.

Poodles are generally cheery dogs. They are graceful and proud and love being in a happy, positive household. 

Poodles are low shedders and considered low allergy dogs. They’re great for homes with people who want a dog but are allergic to double-coated dogs that shed frequently. 

If your poodle isn’t getting enough training, exercise, or socialization, they can experience separation anxiety or act out. These highly energetic dogs can cause problems in the home if they’re not physically and mentally exercised.

Poodles make great companions, and many celebrities have had poodles as their furry friends. Elvis Presley, Jackie Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, and Walt Disney are just a few celebrities who loved having poodles around. 

Poodles are the national dog of France, but they originally came from Germany. The German word “pudel” or “pudelin” means “to splash in the water” because they were bred to be water retrievers.

In France, they call them Caniche, which means “duck dog” because their job was to bring hunted ducks and other birds back to their owners.  

The breed’s intelligence led to their use as circus performers in France, As a result, the poodle became a trendy breed there. From their beginnings as water dogs, poodles have proved to be intelligent, quirky pets with hypoallergenic coats and fun personalities. 

Poodles have a long, rich history. There are many misconceptions about these dogs only belonging to the elite and wealthy. But poodles are actually a versatile breed that can fit into many households. 

If you’re looking for an intelligent, hypoallergenic dog who will take to your active lifestyle, a poodle may just be the perfect dog to add to your home.