If You Can Overcome Eczema, You Can Overcome Anything!

Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev on November 12, 2021
2 min read

When you're in the throes of an eczema flare-up, miserable and itching, it's probably hard to see any potential upside. Eczema goes far beyond just an itchy rash. It's hard on your emotional and mental wellbeing as well, but the emotional strength you develop when you're struggling to overcome your eczema can help you overcome other challenges as well. 

Many people who have eczema must learn to cope with stress. Stress can trigger eczema, which causes more stress, which makes your eczema worse. This cycle repeats itself until you learn to cope with stress. Learning stress reduction techniques to cope with eczema flares will give you skills you need to handle other hurdles life throws at you. In addition to experiencing fewer eczema flares, the benefits of meditation and deep breathing include: 

  • Less anxiety
  • Improved mood
  • Greater creativity and problem-solving ability
  • Better sleep
  • Increased self-awareness

Another proven method for managing the psychological side effects of eczema is getting enough exercise. Exercise releases chemicals in your brain that help you feel better and improves your ability to deal with stress. In the moment, exercise takes your mind off your worries so you can get out of a negative thinking cycle. If you exercise in a gym or with a class, you get more social interaction. 

All of these benefits can help you overcome any negative or challenging situation, not just eczema. Additionally, meeting your exercise goals will give you the confidence you need to meet other goals in life. You'll be less like to give up when you're faced with a setback, because you know you can do hard things. Learning to cope with eczema in healthy ways such as meditation and exercise gives you the strength you need to gracefully handle other problems.  

Eczema can feel like an endless struggle, but the coping mechanisms you've developed to help you manage it will make you a stronger person. These skills will be applicable in all other areas of your life, giving you an advantage whenever you have to deal with a problem.