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The information here is misinformed.. It states canibinoids are found in sativa marrijuana plants.. that info is true..however, its also in India which tend to be stronger and the 3rd strain of cannabis arudealis.. Science has only been able to identify certain cannibinoids such THC and CBD thanks to our Israeli researchers.. there are a few other canibinoids that have been identified..however, t...

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Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
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The information here is misinformed.. It states canibinoids are found in sativa marrijuana plants.. that info is true..however, its also in India which tend to be stronger and the 3rd strain of cannabis arudealis.. Science has only been able to identify certain cannibinoids such THC and CBD thanks to our Israeli researchers.. there are a few other canibinoids that have been identified..however, there are many more; the medicinal properties are unknown.. im not a Dr..But, I do understand the benefits of canibinoids.. it also should state the human body also has canibinoids.. I believe the are the endo system? We produce this naturaly.. this is why canibinoids research is so important.. so far many have benefited from the use of cannabis for medical needs when other medicines autism..etc..please revise the article as this is common knowledge to profesional growers. Read More Read Less

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