Challenges at Work With ADHD

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Let's face it. Coping with adult ADHD is work. So how can you control the symptoms in your actual workplace? Here are some simple steps that may minimize the effects of your ADHD at work. Cut out distractions to help you focus on the task at hand. Request a private cubicle or office in a quiet area, preferably away from the break room. Use white noise earphones to drown out external office noise, like that annoying loud talker in the cube next to you. Headphones also let others know you are too busy to talk. Be the task master. Perform one at a time, and do not start another until it is done. Use checklists to stay focused and on task. Make time for a walk during the workday. Physical exercise can reduce the effects of stress, anxiety, and depression. Try taking a class or getting some training. Time management skills may not come naturally, but they can be learned. Or take a meditation class to ease anxiety. A job coach may be able to guide you through tough situations. Whatever coping methods or treatments you choose, the more you work at managing your ADHD, the less it will feel like a second job.