Doppler Velocimetry

Medically Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on August 09, 2022
2 min read

Doppler velocimetry is a way to make sure that your baby is getting a healthy supply of blood. You may need it if earlier tests showed that your baby could be having problems. Maybe your baby is growing slowly or has anemia. You may also need the test if you have preeclampsia or have a low level of amniotic fluid.

Doppler velocimetry is different from a standard Doppler that checks your baby's heartbeat.

Doppler velocimetry uses ultrasound to check blood flow in the umbilical cord or between the uterus and the placenta. If the blood supply is restricted, your baby can't get enough nutrients and oxygen.

Doppler velocimetry is painless and safe. It's similar to a standard ultrasound. A technician will gently press an ultrasound probe against the outside of your belly.

If your doctor finds abnormal results, you may need further testing or closer monitoring. In some cases, your doctor may recommend early delivery to help your baby.

It depends on your situation. You may need regular Doppler velocimetry -- along with other tests -- to check on how your baby is doing. Or you may not need it at all. Ask your doctor.

Doppler flow study

Biophysical profile, nonstress test