Bullying and Kids

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Michael Carpenter, PhD, Educator and Bullying Prevention Trainer
Who do people pick on?

Azha 5th Grader
They're picking out people who are different.

David 5th Grader
Well mostly I see like… the dweebs, the spazes…

Michael Carpenter takes bullying very seriously.

Michael Carpenter, PhD, Educator and Bullying Prevention Trainer
Will beat you up after school today…creating fear

In fact, he's on a mission to reverse the trend-

Michael Carpenter, PhD, Educator and Bullying Prevention Trainer
Stand here if you are a supporter.

Frequently leading education workshops like this one to teach children about their options should they become a victim or see someone else being bullied.

Deny 5th Grader
Like bullies are cowards and like they never pick on someone the same size or the same power as them…

Kids who are more physically or psychologically vulnerable are those most likely to fall prey to ridicule or violence.

Michael Carpenter, PhD, Educator and Bullying Prevention Trainer
They don't feel good about themselves usually. They may be extra sensitive about some things. They may look different. Their perception is different.

Jocelyn 5th Grader
They said I was ugly. They called me fat… and they said my hair was always crazy.

So the old adage 'sticks and stones'?

Michael Carpenter, PhD, Educator and Bullying Prevention Trainer
Oh please…yes sticks and stones. So what do girls tells us? Girls tell us that they would rather be hit and kicked physically than to be ostracized or excluded.

In recent years the practice has even infected social media … with terms like cyber bullying becoming common. Meaning bullying isn't limited to just physical assault, but includes exclusion, name-calling, gossip, rumor and lies …

Michael Carpenter, PhD, Educator and Bullying Prevention Trainer
Bullying is repeated, intentional and power-based behaviors. Have you ever been bullied before?

David 5th Grader
uh yes…a lot.

Michael Carpenter, PhD, Educator and Bullying Prevention Trainer
Did you feel alone?

5th Grader
Well…of course.

Experts say it's essential for responsible adults to gain the trust of kids they suspect are being victimized-even getting their advice on how to handle the situation. Who's doing the bullying? It's often the most popular kids…

Michael Carpenter, PhD, Educator and Bullying Prevention Trainer
They have people backing them up. They feel better about what they do because they've got people helping them. You all are in a position called 'the defenders', you dislike what you see and you're trying to help.

Programs like this encourage on-lookers to do something other than watch… or worse…egg-on an assault…

Michael Carpenter, PhD, Educator and Bullying Prevention Trainer
If somebody gets their books knocked down in the hallway and someone else comes by and Kicks them, how much courage does it take to help pick up some books and hand it to the person?

But directly confronting the person who bullies is not recommended. Instead, Carpenter persuades kids to keep a detailed record of events…

Michael Carpenter, PhD, Educator and Bullying Prevention Trainer
Write down what's happening, where it's happening, when it's happening, who's doing it, any witnesses. Take that log to someone that you trust—a school administrator, a counselor, a teacher and say this is what's going on with me…please help me.

For WebMD, I'm Damon Meharg.