Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev on September 04, 2024
What to Do if You See It

What to Do if You See It

It sounds strange, but you may not always know that you have blood in your urine. Sometimes, there’s so little that it only shows up under a microscope when your doctor is testing you for something else. When you can see it, it can be alarming. But most of the time, the causes aren’t serious. In some cases, though, the symptom points to a bigger health problem.So you should always let your doctor know about it.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

It happens when bacteria infect the parts of your body that make and store urine, such as your bladder or urethra. You may hear it called cystitis. Along with seeing blood, you might feel like you have to go all the time, and it could burn when you do. In serious cases, you may have pain in your belly or groin. But sometimes, especially if you’re older, you may not have any symptoms. UTIs are very common, and antibiotics can usually clear them up.

Kidney Infection

Kidney Infection

A UTI can make its way to your kidneys through the connecting tubes of the urinary tract. The symptoms are often similar, but with a kidney infection, you’re more likely to have a fever and pain in your sides. And it can be more serious, especially if it spreads to other parts of your body. So be sure to let your doctor know if you notice the signs. This UTI is called pyelonephritis.

Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones

They start to form in your kidneys when your body has built up too much calcium or other minerals. And they can really hurt, especially in your back near your hips and ribs, if they grow big enough. You might see blood or even a piece of a stone in your urine. Smaller ones sometimes “pass” on their own in your pee, but you might need surgery to get rid of larger ones.

Swollen Prostate

Swollen Prostate

Infection, surgery, or a sudden hit to this small gland near a man’s bladder could inflame it. Besides seeing blood, you may find it hard or painful to pee. You also might have pain in your groin and lower belly when you poop or ejaculate. Treatment depends on the cause, but you might need antibiotics or pain medicines.

Kidney Inflammation

Kidney Inflammation

Also called glomerulonephritis,it can damage the tiny filters in your kidneys. That makes it harder for them to get rid of waste. People usually don’t know they have it until their doctor detects it with a urine test. But your pee may have blood or look foamy and brownish, and you may notice swelling in your face, legs, and belly. The issue may get better on its own, but if it doesn’t, treatment can prevent kidney damage.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Genes from your parents cause small, fluid-filled cysts to grow on your kidneys. They can damage the organs and cause blood in your urine. Most people don’t have symptoms until age 30-40, but the first signs can be a bigger belly, a lot of UTIs, and back and side pain. You’re more likely to have high blood pressure and feel chest fluttering, pounding, or pain when you have PKD. There’s no cure, but your doctor can help manage symptoms.

Inherited Diseases

Inherited Diseases

PKD isn’t the only genetic disease that could put blood in your urine. It’s also a symptom of other conditions like sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, or Alport syndrome, which affects the eyes, ears, and kidneys. And sometimes, the symptom can run in families for no clear reason. If that’s the case for you, you may not need any treatment.

A Hard Workout

A Hard Workout

It tends to affect runners more than other athletes. But it’s not that common, and doctors don’t know exactly why it happens. It might be a lack of water, injury to the bladder, or the breakdown of more red blood cells in aerobic exercise.



Some drugs, like the antibiotic penicillin or the cancer drug cyclophosphamide, can cause blood in your urine. It also might happen if you take medications like aspirin or the blood thinner heparin, especially if you already have a condition, like a urinary tract infection, that makes your bladder bleed more easily. Blood thinners by themselves are not the cause of blood in the urine, so the cause still needs to be investigated.



A hard hit, typically in your lower back area, can make blood show up in your urine. It might happen in a fall or a car accident or if something heavy hits you. Often it gets better on its own with rest, though a doctor should keep an eye on you to make sure you’re recovering well. If your injury is severe, you may need surgery. 



Blood in the urine is a key sign of bladder cancer. It also may be a sign of kidney or prostate cancer. In some cases, you might not have any other symptoms. That’s one reason why it’s important to let your doctor know when you notice any blood. They can rule out more serious conditions or start any treatment you may need.

Diagnosing the Problem

Diagnosing the Problem

To find out why there’s blood in your urine, your doctor will examine you and ask about your health and family history. A lab will test your urine for red blood cells, infection, and other possible problems. In some cases, your doctor may test your blood or take pictures of your kidney or bladder with an ultrasound, a CT scan, MRI, or a special camera called a cystoscope. Sometimes, your doctor may need to test a sample of your urine for cancer cells.



The right one depends on what’s causing the symptom. An infection can be cleared up with antibiotics. Different cancers require different approaches, and genetic diseases may need long-term management. Talk to your doctor about what kind of treatment is likely to help you.