Ways to Warm Up if You’re Always Cold
Toss Your Clothes Into the Dryer
Get Your Calories
Wear Socks to Bed
Pick Your PJs With Care
Get Your Iron and Vitamin B12
Dress in Layers
Heat Your Mattress
Spice Up Your Life
Plug In Space Heaters
Move Your Body
Give It Time
Shop for the Right Boots
Keep Track
1) monkeybusinessimages / Thinkstock
2) RazoomGames / Thinkstock
3) BlackSalmon / Thinkstock
4) ofbeautifulthings / Thinkstock
5) (Clockwise from top left) Magone / Thinkstock, denizya / Thinkstock, NSphotostudio / Thinkstock, LUNAMARINA / Thinkstock, photosoup / Thinkstock
6) wikiHow
7) findtarget
8) jenifoto / Thinkstock
9) svedoliver / Thinkstock
10) Halfpoint / Thinkstock
11) KatarzynaBialasiewicz / Thinkstock
12) Yarygin / Thinkstock
13) Jose Luis Pelaez Inc. / Getty Images
AARP: “8 Ways to Stay Warm This Winter,” “5 Reasons You're Always Cold.”
Aging: “Long-term calorie restriction, but not endurance exercise, lowers core body temperature in humans.”
American Society of Hematology: “Anemia.”
BMJ: “Consumption of spicy foods and total and cause specific mortality: population based cohort study.”
U.S. Department of Energy: “Portable Heaters.”
HeyHashi.org: “Cold Intolerance, Hashimoto’s & What to Do About It.”
International Journal of Sports Medicine: “Temperature regulation during exercise.”
LifeRaftGroup.org: “Cold Intolerance Coping Strategies.”
MarieCurie.org: “16 things you should be doing to keep warm and well in cold weather.”
National Sleep Foundation: “Pick the right pajamas to get your best night’s sleep,” “Warm feet may help you sleep.”
Physiology and Behavior: “The effects of hedonically acceptable red pepper doses on thermogenesis and appetite.”
University of Iowa Health Care: “Acclimatization- adjusting to the temperature.”
World Journal of Gastroenterology: “Consumption of spicy foods and the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome.”