- Overview
- Types
- Symptoms
- Causes & Risks
- Tests & Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Parenting
- School
- Living With
- Complications
- View Full Guide
Better Study Habits for ADHD Kids
Always Losing Homework?
Set up a Homework Station
Keep a Calendar
Work with Teachers
Stay on Schedule
Use Rewards
Break up Big Tasks
Use Timers
Get Organized
Praise Effort
Strategies for Hard Assignments
Set Goals
Write Out Directions
Mention the Obvious
Help During Transitions
1) altrendo images / Stockbyte
2) Yunus Arakon / E+
3) kate_sept2004 / Stockbyte
4) Ken Welsh / Photodisc
5) Gabe Palmer / Workbook Stock
6) Wealan Pollard / OJO Images
7) Jamie Grill
8) Kristin Duvall / Stone
9) beyhan yazar / E+
10) Image Source
11) JGI/Jamie Grill / Blend Images
12) Kelly Sillaste / Flickr Collection / Getty
13) Alexandre Tremblot de La Croix / Flickr Collection / Getty
14) Erik Von Weber / The Image Bank
15) Joshua Hodge Photography / the Agency Collection
ADD Resources: Helping Your Adolescent with ADHD Get Their Homework Done.
Help Guide: ADD/ADHD Parenting Tips.
Help Guide: ADD/ADHD and School: Helping Children with ADHD Succeed at School.
Massachusetts General Hospital School Psychiatry Program and Madi Resource Center: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD.)
Massachusetts General Hospital School Psychiatry Program and Madi Resource Center: Interventions for Inattention.
Monastra, VJ. Parenting Children with ADHD. APA Lifetools: 2009.
National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality: Homework Tips for Parents.
Ratey NA. The Disorganized Mind. St. Martin's, 2008.