From skin and hair problems to personality issues, stress affects both your body and mind. Find out the many responses - both good and bad.
Need a quick pick-me-up? These simple steps can get you moving and boost your mood - fast!
From knots in your stomach to headaches, heartburn and chronic health conditions, stress can lead to a variety of health issues.
Self-care doesn't have to cost a lot. These simple steps can boost your mood and get you moving.
These natural remedies can help ease your anxiety. Learn how they work - and when to see a doctor.
From pain to digestive problems and more, the signs and symptoms of too much stress are easy to spot - once you know what to look for.
Whether it's taking a quick walk or petting your favorite pooch, learn how to ease your stress in seconds.
Stress is a major part of life, but how much do you really know about it? Test your knowledge.
Mindfulness helps to bring your body and mind into balance. How much do you know about this practice?
Everyone has stress at some point. Many things can cause it, mostly unique to each person. Find out the symptoms of chronic stress and ways to manage it.
Learn about the many ways stress can affect your health, from headaches, to high blood pressure and sleep problems.
Mindfulness can help you manage stress, depression, anxiety, and addiction. Learn how it can benefit you.
Everyone needs some “me time” to lower stress and boost energy. Learn how to set aside time for yourself.