Latest Blog Posts from Brittany Quiroz

My MS Is Your MS: Relationships and Communication

My MS Is Your MS: Relationships and Communication

Communication in the space of MS is a tricky one. First off, it sets the stage for increased vulnerability. How can we communicate about our disability without putting it all out there? This can ...

By Brittany QuirozJune 13, 2024
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MS Ninja Vibes

MS Ninja Vibes

It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining. The dishes have magically washed themselves. You have the afternoon to yourself. You remembered you have that $50 Barnes & Noble gift card from ...

By Brittany QuirozApril 25, 2024
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Don’t ‘Dis’ the Abled

Don’t ‘Dis’ the Abled

Often the “alternatively abled,” which is my preferred way of saying “disabled,” are viewed as not capable or self-sustained, that we are weak and need constant assistance. I run into ...

By Brittany QuirozMarch 7, 2024
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Part of dealing with a chronic illness and disability is setting boundaries. Boundaries such as ...

ByBrittany QuirozFebruary 15, 2024
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Fear Has a Face

Fear Has a Face

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I think a picture is more like one billion words. People ask me all the time when it comes to my MS: “Are you scared?” I have to be honest, yes ...

ByBrittany QuirozJanuary 11, 2024
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Making Comparisons

Making Comparisons

Explaining a condition like multiple sclerosis to someone that has a perfectly clean bill of health can be frustrating. It’s sort of the theme of “if it doesn’t affect me, there’s no need to ...

ByBrittany QuirozDecember 21, 2023
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