Guide to Brain Cancer
What Is It?
Brain Tumors
Secondary Brain Cancer
Primary Brain Tumors
Other Types
Risk Factors: Radiation
Risk Factors: Age
Risk Factors: Other Health Problems
Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer?
How It's Found
Treatment: Watchful Waiting
Treatment: Surgery
Treatment: Chemotherapy
Treatment: Radiation Therapy
Treatment: Targeted Therapy
After Treatment
1) Eraxion / Thinkstock
2) stockdevil / Thinkstock
3) 7activestudio / Thinkstock
4) Roger J. Bick & Brian J. Poindexter / UT-Houston Medical School / Science Source
5) Zephyr / Science Source
6) beerkoff / Getty Images
7) Marcel ter Bekke / Getty Images
8) WillieDavis / Thinkstock
9) Jupiterimages / Thinkstock
10) Michelle Del Guercio / Getty Images
11) michaeljung / Thinkstock
12) IuriiSokolov / Thinkstock
13) Snowleopard1 / Getty Images
14) Science Photo Library / Getty Images
15) VILevi / Thinkstock
16) Bunwit / Thinkstock
17) Mark Kostich / Getty Images
18) andrewsafonov / Thinkstock
19) Blend Images - JGI/Tom Grill / Getty Images
American Brain Tumor Association: “Meningioma,” “Glioblastoma (GBM),” “Glioblastoma and Lalingnan Astrocytoma.”
American Cancer Society: “Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors in Adults.”
Neuroscience for Kids: “Glia: The Forgotten Brain Cell.”
NIH National Cancer Institute: “Adult Central Nervous System Tumors Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version.”
NHS: “Malignant Brain Tumour (Cancerous).”
Mayo Clinic: “Brain tumor.”
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center: “Brain Tumors.”
UpToDate: “Incidence of primary brain tumors.”