Myelofibrosis Treatments

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CATHERINE M. BROOME: Myelofibrosis is a bone marrow disease that is an excess of fibrous tissue that forms in the bone marrow space, which is where we produce our blood cells.

Unfortunately, at the current time, we really don't discuss a cure. But myelofibrosis is actually a very treatable disorder.

If you happen to be less than 65 years of age, we can consider an allogeneic bone marrow transplant.

We have a standard therapy. We utilize transfusions of red blood cells and platelets to help support the fact that you're not making enough of them.

We also have medications, which will oftentimes help to improve their blood counts, as well as shrink down their spleen, and when the spleen shrinks people oftentimes feel much better.

Side effects to treatments will include a potential decrease in your blood counts, and the therapy has to be monitored very carefully. Blood transfusions can be associated with allergic type reactions, and so those will be monitored for as well.

The time frame of progression of myelofibrosis varies very widely from patient to patient. So there are some patients who can be very stable and live many, many years through a good intimate relationship with your hematologist.