DME often starts as diabetic retinopathy, and if the condition gets worse, it can lead to severe vision loss. So early diagnosis is key.
Uncontrolled diabetes can damage your vision. What are the signs, and what four things can you do to protect your eyesight?
DME is an eye problem that people with diabetes get. Learn what causes it and what it can do to your sight.
Diabetic macular edema is a complication of diabetes. What are the signs, and how can you cut your chances of having it?
Regular visits to the eye doctor are the best way to catch DME. Here are the tests a doctor will use to spot it.
Learn the symptoms of DME, a common cause of diabetic vision loss.
Magnifiers, special lenses, and other low-vision devices can make it easier for those with DME to participate in daily activities.
There's no cure for diabetic macular edema, but medications and procedures may reverse or slow the damage from this serious eye problem.
Clinical trials can give you access to the newest medical treatments and help advance scientific knowledge. Learn more about how they work and where to find one.
Having diabetes means you're more likely to have eye problems that can lead to vision loss. Find out what you can do to help prevent that.
An eye doctor describes goals they set with their patients with diabetic macular edema and what they hope to achieve.
DME is another disease that people with diabetes sometimes get. Learn lifestyle changes that you can make to help slow the condition.
Find out what other eye problems you're likely to have along with diabetic macular edema and what you can do to save your sight.
Get advice on how to move forward when you're losing your ability to see.