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I was prescribed the drug yesterday within a four week pregnancy. After reading many of the online reviews I was absolutely terrified, which as a result I am writing this review in an effort to help calm some of the nerves out there. Although I have three more nights to go with this, (I am to take 400mcgs over four nights)I have to say my first night was not the nightmarish experiences women o...

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ple give suggetionMisoprostol.oral

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Ashley M | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.0
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I was afraid to take these medications as I heard there would be a lot of pain and a small chance of it not working. The first pill, mifepristone was given at the clinic in Pittsburgh after sitting there for 6 hours. Nothing happened at all- no cramping or bleeding. 6 hours later I administered the misoprostol vaginally- all 4 pill. Then, nothing happened until 2:45am- cramping, almost like labor pains for a full hour. I bled some but believed my pregnancy expelled at that point because the cramping slowed down significantly. Today, I’ve been taking care of my 2 sons and trying to rest but everything it fine today. Mild cramping today, mild bleeding. Read More Read Less

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Hap901 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.0
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Hi, just wondering if anyone had any side effects with the 4 pills you put in between the mouth and gum? I could only hold mine in my mouth for 15 minutes before I ended up throwing up. Anyone else?

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Xxxgirl | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.3
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After reading the reviews on this site I was absolutely terrified to start the process, I was around 4-5 weeks and just kept telling myself surely it can’t be that bad I’m so early. The day 1 tablet you swallow was no issue I had no symptoms with this, but just under 24 hours later before I had even started the second process I sat down and felt a gush of blood, and I thought nothing online says you can bleed from the first tablet so I was confused. I went to the toilet and passed a blood clot around the size of a £2 coin. I then took some codeine and put the 4 tablets in my gums, I was planning on doing vaginally but because I was bleeding I didn’t want them to come out with the blood flow. The 4 tablets in the gums wasn’t horrific although it did made me feel quite sick after. When the half an hour was up of having them in my gums the pain started within 5 minutes. I had only taken 2 codeine and my god I should have took 4 and 3 ibuprofen.. the pain came so quickly out of nowhere, I sat on the toilet and I was shaking head to toe, my legs and feet were tingling, and I felt so sick so I went and led down. I felt the urge to move my legs side to side and have them open, any other position was too uncomfortable. The stomach cramps was nothing like a period, I have never felt pain like it, I was crying, shaking, and the room was spinning. I took another 2 codeine and within 10 minutes the pain killers began to kick in and it slowly got more manageable. Honestly if I can give anyone any advice it would be to take 4 codeine half an hour before doing step 2 of the 4 tablets. For the rest of the night I had strong period pains but nothing like the pain I felt the first time. I was taking ibuprofen aswell as codeine and filling a hot water bottle up every 2 hours, please make sure you have a hot water bottle I don’t think I could have coped without mine, it helps so much. When it came to taking the last 2 tablets I did them vaginally because I have a fear of throwing up and I just didn’t need that whilst going through the pain. I was expecting hell with these but because I was taking pain killers regularly it didn’t really get a chance. I got pains here and there but they just seem like nothing after the pain I felt the first time. If you’re reading this I wouldn’t read anymore because it sends your anxiety through the roof. I finished all my treatment at 00:12 and it’s now 9:12am and I don’t really feel pain, I’m just tired as I barely slept the night and set alarms throughout the night to remind me to take more codeine/ibuprofen as I was too scared to let that pain come back. I’m sorry if you’re going through this, your experience might be different please remember that, and please take my advice of keeping on top of your pain killers and taking 4 codeine half an hour before you start the second treatment. Read More Read Less

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T | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.0
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Please note everyone experiences different types symptoms and pain. Unfortunately my experience was not pleasant. I was 7+5 when I took the first dose with some bleeding occuring the next day. Day after in the evening I took panadeine forte and ibroprofin then administered the 4 tablets buccally and experienced uncomfortable cramps about 40 minutes later which lasted for around an hour. Then the severe cramping started. The pain was unbearable. I then started vomiting, had chills and had to rock my hips and keep moving because the pain was nearly causing me to pass out. The pain lasted for around 4 hours and did not ease. I passed clots and large amounts of blood but this did not relieve the pain. Looking back I should have gone to Emergency Department. I cannot begin to explain how painful this was. Please ensure you have pain relief and go to hospital- I wish I did. Read More Read Less

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Sarah | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
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I took 3 200mg tablets of misoprostol vaginally in preparation for a hysteroscopy / uterine biopsy. I was not pregnant at this time. I started feeling some mild cramping about 30 minutes after taking it. However, about 1 hour after I took the medicine, I started feeling very intense cramping (I would say 7-8 out of 10 pain) that lasted for 4-6 hours. Around 5 hours after taking it, I considered taking myself to the emergency room because the pain was so intense and was not being controlled with OTC pain relievers. During this time, I also experienced chills/shaking around 30 minutes after taking it and some mild nausea. If you have to take this medicine, I would ask your doctor for the lowest possible dose that you can take to avoid these side effects. I would also be very proactive about taking pain medicine.Read More Read Less

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Pills | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
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I’m convinced many of the stories on here are forced birthers attempting to terrify women. I had an abortion three weeks ago. I was five weeks pregnant. I did cramp, but was able to sleep through the cramps with a heating pad on and most of the bleeding and discomfort was done over a weekend. I normally have wayyyyyy worse periods. Make sure to have pain and anti nausea meds, Advil and a heating pad and ask your doctor what to expect. Tell them you’re scared and need support for fear of the pain and they’ll be honest with you. Most women I know who did a medical abortion had experiences like mine. The fear I got from reading this site had me literally afraid for my life. The experience itself was 100000000x easier. If these pills were causing pain for the majority of women that was sending them to the hospital en masse most abortions would just be surgical. Not trying to downplay anyone’s experience but. I cannot believe after my experience that this many people have this much unbearable pain. Read More Read Less

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IslaF | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.0
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I was 4 weeks exactly when I found out. Took the first pill right at the start of my 5th week. Was nervous in the clinic taking the first pill and tbh that was the most upsetting part of the journey for me. No side effects from this. Took the 2 other pills in my mouth the next day. Felt a throbbing pain as they dissolved on my gums. started to feel pain about 30 mins after I had taken them. Uncontrollable vomiting followed. After an hour the pain became too much for me to handle and I went to the maternity hospital. They did scans (ultrasound & transvaginal) and gave me pain relief. The pain was a 20/10. I am shocked at how many women here say they were able to go to sleep after taking this tablet or that there was no pain at all! As for the bleeding, bled heavily for 5/6 hours, after that bled like a regular period for maybe a week. The pain was the worst of my life- I thought we would never make it to the hospital, I was in complete and utter agony, I couldn't help but scream out in pain. I remember the nurse telling me i was as white as a sheet. I remember another nurse telling me that this is very common in abortion pills to feel such pain.I shook in the bed and couldn't get up to use the bathroom (they caused severe upset tummy too) the pain was completely gone in about 14 hours after I had taken the tables, but only with the help of injected pain meds. Honestly, I would never do this again. If I had my time back id do surgical, this was barbaric. Ladies be prepared, go to the hospital right away if the pain is too much don't suffer in silence. The docs&nurses were so nice to me and you'll get proper care xRead More Read Less

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M | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.0
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I came here last night after taking the medication and wondering if I was dying (dramatic but true) or if this was normal. I was relieved-ish to see that many others shared the same experience. After taking the 4 tablets by mouth within 15 minutes I had the worst pain of my life. I was shivering uncontrollably for 2 hours and felt like I was going to pass out from the pain. BUT I’m here to say, day 2 the pain is basically gone and the bleeding is manageable. My advice is have a strong pain med (I only took ibuprofen), a heating pad (I had to get one delivered and it helped immensely) and I also used a body pillow to cling onto when other positions hurt. I’m only on here to say this because I was underprepared for the level of pain I experienced and wish the doctors would have better prepared me. I hope it goes better for everyone else! Read More Read Less

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T | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 2.3
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Okay ladies I will be straight forward in writing this. 12/04/2022. I was scared out of my brains to take these pills, the anxiety build up made me physically sick before taking them. Why do we stress ourselves out?? Finally I got the courage and pulled myself together, the first pill was no problem, no side effects. Yay .. The next lot of X4 in the mouth for 30 minutes were okay... I took codeine and nurofen right before taking them. About 25 minutes in while they were still in my mouth I began getting slight cramping, I started bleeding 62 minutes after the tablets. I spent most of the day in bed (11am- 6pm) . Using a heat bag on my stomach and lower back and keeping up the pain relief. About 6:30 pm I decided to get up and go to the toilet , that's when I felt as if a baby was crowing "I've 3 beautiful children so know that feeling). I said to my partner this isn't a good feeling, I think it's happening. I started getting excruciating pains in my stomach to the point I was leaning over the kitchen bench rocking side to side . I went to walk down our hallway and felt a massive gush of blood as if "waters had broken"- I stopped on the spot and next thing I felt this massive blob come out of my vagina!!! Yes I felt it, I was mortified by this. I called for my partner to come and requested he run me a shower. I pulled down my knickers and there it was :'( a massive sac with this tiny tiny baby inside, clear as anything. ?? Instant regrets. The image will never leave our heads ! I felt very light headed at this point I stood in the shower bleeding heavily, next thing I knew I was passing massive clots. After about 10 minutes i decided to get out. The pains had completely gone and I was feeling slightly better just still completely mortified by what had just happened. The next day I felt as if nothing had happened, no pains and started cleaning the house going about my day as I normally would. I then realized I had further pills to take, 1 three times a day for the next two days! This is where the unbearable pain come in! Within 20 minutes of sitting that first pill In my mouth I began getting the WORST stomach cramps and Lower back pain! The pain medication was not doing anything for the pain. I've had 3 natural labours with no pain relief and this pain completely topped it! Tomorrow will be the last lot of 3 pills and I prey that the pain is nothing of today's! I've had a surgery abortion way in the past and I tell you now if you can take that option TAKE IT!! I would never take these pills again, I most definitely would not recommend them to anyone after my experience. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.3
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I know so many people say not to listen to the scaremonger's on here, but honestly different people have different experiences, as I’m reading through these reviews I’m jealous of the women who hardly felt much. I took the 2nd lot of pills and within 15 minutes I had cramps that were unbearable, at this point I hadn’t taken any pain relief as I was led to believe the cramps etc wouldn’t start for a couple of hours. So I took some codeine and things started to ease off, but then an hour later I had the most unbearable pain ever, I could hardly breathe from the pain and I was so cold, everything went black and I felt like I was going to pass out. I’ve never given birth before but I can only explain the cramps as feeling like contractions, the pain was super unbearable (even on codeine and paracetamol) for a few minutes, then stopped for a minute and then back to the unbearable pain. The painful cramps then started to get closer and closer together like they do with contractions. This lasted for about 4 hours until my body just finally gave in and was exhausted so I finally got about 30 minutes sleep before waking up. I’m on day 2 now and slight cramps but just feeling super tired, hopefully the rest of the time goes up hill! I definitely think you need to be prepared, don’t read all of these reviews thinking you’ll get an easy ride, if you do then great, but be prepared for the worst and that way it won’t hit you like a tonne of bricks! Read More Read Less

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anon | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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First I want to start off by saying that you are not alone! Mistakes happen and it will be OK. ALL types of women go through this exact same experience every single day. You can do this. Next when going forward with something like this, especially if you live in a state with strict laws, please make sure you do your research on the clinic that you are going with. That was the most stressful part of this experience for me and waiting to to know if I was still within the legal limit to receive these pills in my state. After I got through that it was smooth sailing. I was 5 weeks and 2 days when I took the first pill in the office. I did not have any side affects except VERY light spotting the next day before taking the second dose of pills. Before taking the second dose i took the pain meds that i was prescribed as well as nausea medicine given to me by the clinic. (Honestly I dont think i needed either) about an hour after taking the second dose i started LIGHTY bleeding and felt extremely light cramps (I've had worse cramps from bad gas). Eventually i fell asleep maybe 4 hours later and woke up with a full pad and a few small clots just as I would on my period. Literally this whole experience was exactly like (if not better) than any period i've had in my life. Remember I can only speak from the point of view of being under 6 weeks. Today is day two i have not taken any pain meds and I dont feel anything at all. I'm OK!! and you will be too. I am starting birth control and expect the bleeding to last the rest of the week. Relax, you will be okay and will be able to move on from this. I wish everyone the best!Read More Read Less

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Calendar6 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: Abortion
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I swore I would come on here and share my experience because I have been petrified all week and I want to put other ladies minds at rest. I found out I was pregnant last week (around 6 weeks). I couldn’t get through to the abortion provider for 3 days and my mental state was really bad. Finally got through and I got an cancellation appointment. During my first app I was given the first tablet- no side effects. I was then given 4 tablets to take vaginally the next day. I genuinely felt like I was going to pass out with worry and anxiety. I took 2 strong co-codomol an hour before vaginal insertion, I put on a nice film and filled a hot water bottle. I felt nothing for around 3 hours, then I could feel small cramps but the pain relief was really numbing. I topped up my pain relief 4 hours later, and fell straight to sleep. I work up expecting a complete blood bath- I didnt even have a spot of blood on the pad. I stood up and went to the toilet and lots of blood came out, but no pain. I’ve been topping my pain relief up regularly so the pain doesn’t get a chance. Honestly I was worried over absolutely nothing, my periods are much worse. I feel a bit woozy and all over the place today but that is likely to be the codeine and the lack of sleep. If anyone is worried- please don’t be!!!Read More Read Less

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Pretty girl | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.0
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Well I don’t really support abortions but I had to get one because I was not ready , I was scared to take the pills at first I went to planned parenthood they were nice and calm they make me feel good they gave me a ultrasound and I seen my little bundle of joy ?? too bad I couldn’t keep her / him I was 8 weeks and 5 days I was surprised ?? but they gave me the first pill while I was there and I took the four other pills the next day 2 each on both sides of my cheeks … when I took the pill I didn’t start cramping untill 3 hours later I fell asleep after that I smelled blood so I got up and a big blood clot came out and I knew that I was happening ….the cramps was normal but then after a day or two it was hell I had very bad cramps I was sad and crying I had to take a muscle relaxer to calm my muscles…I bleed for a good week and now it’s fine I’m just spotting at the moment still clotting a bit but I just want to just stop bleeding and go back to normal but I have an appointment soon to see if everything left out my body ….I don’t recommend it unless you really have too and abortions are not free you have to pay to get it Read More Read Less

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Honest | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
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Please don’t be frightened. Please don’t read all the horror stories, which I am sure have been over exaggerated or untrue. My experience was more of an emotional one. I took the 1st tablet with no symptoms. Please just make sure you’re 100%. 24 hours later I took the 2nd Pills. They took a while to dissolve and I had to kind of rub the outside of my cheek around my gum. There was still plenty left which I swallowed with water after 30 minutes. Immediately I started bleeding and laid in bed all day. No great pains, just a cramping on and off. I didn’t need pain relief. It was nothing like Labour at all. I was expecting hell after these reviews. I bled/medium gently for 30 hours and then lost the pregnancy (5 weeks) in the early hours of the morning 2 days later, crampy and the bleeding was worse after this. Still no horror story. Still no pain relief. Just like a very heavy period with a great sense of sadness. I know others will be ok with the emotional side but give yourself time off work, time to relax and be at home for a few days and I hope you don’t feel any pain other than the gentle cramps. It did take me longer to pass the pregnancy than some, but it is something to bear in mind. Have your home comforts. And tell at least someone if you can, what you’re going through. You might feel relief or sadness or both. Whatever, it’s a very difficult time. I have terrible reactions to medicine and difficult births but this was not a medically or painful experience for me in that sense at all. I was expecting the absolute worst reading some of these reviews. You will be ok. Don’t be scared. You are an amazing woman who has had to make a very difficult choice xxxRead More Read Less

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Ellie | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
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I was 6 weeks and 4 days when I took the first pill at the doctors on a Friday morning, my doctor told me to dissolve the next 4 on Sunday morning before 10am, I felt no symptoms at all after the first pill, I took the 4 at about 2am on Sunday morning along with some pain killers, within 10 mins I started to feel cramping and went to sleep, when I woke up at 7am I went to the loo and when i sat down felt like a large blob came out and I was bleeding pretty consistently for a few hours with some pain that just felt like bad period pains, The pain was not that bad compared to what I thought it could be, It is still the same day today as I write this (in the evening) and the bleeding has slowed down and I have a bit of what feels like a tummy ache (and hopefully Im not still pregnant) but definitely better than the surgical so far for me.Read More Read Less

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sare | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.3
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When I learned I could get a pill abortion rather than a surgical one, I was quite pleased. After having said pill abortion I must say it is one of the biggest regrets of my life. The first pill I took at the clinic, I got sick within an hour because well pregnancy. I had to drive back and get another one! My fault plus they had to stay after hours for me to come back but were SO nice about it which was nice. The 4 pills the following day was 4 hours of straight hell. I took thre pills by mouth and the cramping began right when I was able to swallow after 30 minutes. From there it was increasing by the minute. By the second hour I was in bed with a heat pad in agony. By the 3rd hour I was on the toilet about to pass out in the worst pain I ever experienced in my life. I did fall into my boyfriends arms from dizziness but I was awake. Once I finally passed the sac after what felt foreverit was the BEST feeling of relief I ever had. After that was just mild clots and lots of bleeding but the pain became bearable and I ended the night comfortable from extra strength Advil. So I’d say there is a good 1-2 hours of unbearable pain that makes you think you are gonna die. I promise it won’t last and you’ll feel so much better soon after! On that note I will never do that to myself again but that is just my experience. I was 9 months along could be why it caused me so much more pain and discomfort.Read More Read Less

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tiki | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.0
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Terrible experience. Please consider all other options before taking this Tablet. I had an horrific experience with it. Had to be rushed to A&E an hour after taking it, couldn't stop shaking from the excruciating pain I was in. Screamed and cried in pain in the hospital for hours before getting pain relief. They had to do heaps of scans before could get pain meds to make sure it wasn't ectopic etc. This medication puts you into labor - can't understand how people can control the pain with just ibuprofen. Remained in hospital overnight. Docs & nurses told me this happens very very regularly women presenting in extreme pain after abortion meds. I don't know if surgical is any less painful but this is nothing like period cramps, its the worst pain I ever went through. Read More Read Less

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Worst experienc | 13-18 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 2.7
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I was told that I was not allowed to do an ultrasound to see the fetus but after strong convincing they let me. They could not find any baby inside of me but my urine showed that I was pregnant. They told me this was very rare but if I didn’t take these pills the fetus would likely have many complications. I then was told I wouldn’t be able to see the fetus just some blood and clotting. I finally gave in and took 4 tablets under my tongue as prescribed. I started getting very bad chills then fell asleep for an hour and a half when I woke up I experienced cramping and bleeding as expected. The pain went from a 5-10 in 20 minutes I was burning up and passing out. I was sent to the hospital for 8 hours just for them to say that this is what happens when taking this pill. They then did further investigation and found that this pill completely messed me up. I am heartbroken and feel like an awful person. I feel as if I was completely lied to and extremely regret my decision. I will never believe any doctor or gynecologist ever again because of this situation. Read More Read Less

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Yougotthis | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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I’m writing this review because I want to help others who are very nervous about taking the abortion pill option. After reading reviews on taking the abortion pill I was terrified to do it and wanted to give my review of taking the pill right now so that I can help someone I was 4-5 weeks when I decided to terminate my pregnancy with the abortion pill. I went in to the dr on my lunch break and took the first pill at about 12pm and went back to work. No symptoms at all this day. I was given other pills for nausea and diarrhea and pain along with the termination pills. The dr informed me to take the pills the following day once I had gotten home from work. Which was at about 6pm. When it was time for me to take the pill I was so nervous I almost didn’t do it. I then calmed down and told myself I had already taken the 1st pill at the Dr office the day before so there’s no turning back now. And I definitely didn’t want to go for the surgical option as I have had that done before. After taking the nausea meds and diarrhea meds I then took the abortion pill. This was at 6pm About 20 mins in I began to cramp. Mostly on my left side. It felt like I was having light contractions(like when you’re in labor) that lasted about 3 hrs or so on and off. No bleeding at this point. The worst part I would say is my back was hurting so bad so I took the Pain meds that were prescribed to me to help with that. The cramps were painful but bearable. After the pain meds they made me sleepy so I ended up going to bed. At about 11pm. Woke up the next morning and felt fine, no pain or cramps, and I went to the bathroom and I was just spotting when I wiped. Watched tv most the day and at about 7pm I began to bleed. Passed a few small clots here and there. Nothing too heavy. It’s been 3 days and I still have been bleeding and cramping like a normal period. Follow up is in 3 days. If you’re reading this to get because you’re nervous as I was, believe me it’s not so bad! You got this! Hope this helped someone :) Read More Read Less

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Aloe1 | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 2.3
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Dear lord the pain. Took the 2 tablets of miso, within an hour was in agony. Took as much neurofen and paracetamol as I could, didn’t help. Ended up in hospital for two days. Had to get injected pain relief, which took a long time to work. Vomited and had very bad diarrhea. The pain is like nothing I’ve ever felt, a nightmare ish experience.

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