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I was prescribed the drug yesterday within a four week pregnancy. After reading many of the online reviews I was absolutely terrified, which as a result I am writing this review in an effort to help calm some of the nerves out there. Although I have three more nights to go with this, (I am to take 400mcgs over four nights)I have to say my first night was not the nightmarish experiences women o...

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ple give suggetionMisoprostol.oral

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justamom | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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I am a 30 year old mother of 2. I knew as soon as I saw this pregnancy test, I did not want to have this baby. I scoured the web reading reviews and decided to go this route with the misoprostol. I was scared to take the second set of pills but I took them 6 hours after the 1st dose, around 8 pm. At 11:30, the bleeding and cramping started. I woke up every couple hours and was passing tissue and had mild cramping. I’d say the pain was a 4/5 out of 10. I took my second 800 mg ibuprofen around 2:30 am and another one once I woke up in the morning. Mild cramping and passing tissue Carried on until probably around 11 am but I carried on with my day as normal and most of the larger tissue clumps were passed during the middle of the night. Don’t let some of these reviews scare you. I have a decent pain tolerance but I’m a baby. I know it’s scary and can feel shameful, but if you’re reading this review, you are here for a reason and only you know what’s best ??Read More Read Less

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Hry | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.7
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PLEASE READ FOR REASSURANCE I’ll start by saying that I was 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant and have taken the 4 pills vaginally today. I decided to have a termination as I fell pregnant whilst my first baby was only 6 months old and am not in a place mentally or physically where I can have another baby so soon. I cannot express how anxious I was leading up to taking these pills because of the horror stories online. I was crying hysterically before inserting them and felt like I could be sick from the anxiety. As im naturally quite a cynical person, I read some of the more positive stories but was adamant I wouldn’t be one of the lucky ones. Never the less I have done everything in my power to try and ease it and I am pleased to say my experience has been relatively painless and easy. I have no doubt it is because of 2 things; taking a load of pain relief an hour before taking the 4 tablets and having two hot water bottles extremely hot on both the front and back from the very start before I even felt any cramps, that way I was completely ahead of any pain and whilst it may not be the best, where my bottles were so hot I couldn’t really tell if I could feel Painful cramps or discomfort from the heat of the bottles. I took 2 x paracetamol, 1 x 800mg ibuprofen and 4 x 15mg Codeine, all approved by the doctor prior to taking. I took the 4 vaginal tablets 4 hours ago and at the beginning, about 25 mins after inserting the tablets I became very flusterd and then had chills for about 15 mins with some nausea and then cramping for about an hour. I still have cramps now but the same as a period. I started with watery blood running out after about an hour and now it’s thicker blood and comes out when I stand up. I have passed a large clot which I believe to be the pregnancy, this was not painful when it came out. I’m led in bed with painkillers topped up and continuous bottles and I can safely say none of it has been unbearable. My biggest bit of advice is get all the pain relief in you an hour before, that way if your sick (luckily I wasn’t) the pain relief is in your blood steam already. Get the bottles in you and you will be absolutely fine! It makes sense….ultimately if you’ve got pain relief, even if you are one of the ones who reacts badly, strong pain relief helps no matter what and hot water bottles distract from the pain, good luck and please try not to stress yourself out for weeks before like I did! Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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I was 6 weeks pregnant and unfortunately my baby’s heartbeat stopped so I was prescribed Misoprostol only ( mifepristone it s to stop baby’s life and misoprostol to empty the uterus). I suggest to all the ladies who are not ?? if to keep the baby or not, to give themselves 1 day more to think about to avoid the regrets after. So if doctors gives you mifepristone in the clinic don’t take it straight away, please ask him to allow you one more day to be ready. Also, please relax your body completely when starting, lay down in bed, drink a glass of hot mild put some cloths on and take just paracetamol with cofeine and if you can’t handle the pain later (which for me was less than a menstruation period) than continue taking stronger pills for pain. Ladies please don’t panic, it is absolutely fine My experience was absolutely opposite of what I cried for, I didn’t slept all night due to the anxiety and cried because I was afraid. I am the mother of a 7 months old baby and breastfeed him exclusively so I was anyway not able to take any other pain killers. I started to insert the 4 pills in the vagina at midnight, then took 2 other pills at 6am. I felt only little bit of pain and started to bleed at 5am and it was a normal quantity just like menstruation but with cloth. (Sorry for some spelling, my English is not very good, I hope someone that might need this info to be able to understand me). I know we are all different and we might feel the pain different but think about at least you can take strong pain killers if you need. Thanks God I didn’t need it. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.0
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I felt a moral obligation to leave a review of this medication after finding myself being in receipt of this medication due to an unplanned pregnancy. Naturally I researched the medication and read reviews online, some of the reviews were absolutely horrendous and almost scared me into not taking fhe medication due to fear of what could come. So here is my experience of the medication, everyone will have there own experience but if my story can help reduce people’s anxiety’s and worries I have done my bit. I am 6 weeks 4 days gestation, I took the first pill of mifepristone on Friday afternoon around 15:00 with a glass of water, I was clock watching awaiting the onset of nausea and vomiting however thankfully this didn’t come, I carried on with my day as normal, awoke on Saturday morning feeling a little nausea and slight cramping but that was it. Second stage I took 2 paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen around 16;00, I inserted the 4 misoprostol tablets vaginally at 17:30, took 15mg of codeine and lay down for 30 mins well about 1.5 hours as was terrified to move. after an hour I could feel full ache/cramping nothing worse than period related, got up for the toilet and had started to bleed. From 17:30 I was up to the toilet about 4-5 times bleeding and sometimes passing clots but nothing horrific, had slight cramping but NO horrendous pain, the only side affects I experienced was a little nausea (no vomiting) shivers for like 20mins and the occasional hot flush and that was it, I double padded up about 10:00 and settled off to sleep didn’t woke a few times during the night due to restlessness but nothing out of the norm, up at 7:00 for toilet and pad change and now laid in bed no pain writing this review. For those that have made that decision to use this medication please do not let the bad reviews put you off, you’ve got this !!!! Read More Read Less

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No | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.3
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The first 6h was quite easy. Mild cramps, bleeding and low fever… after 6h there was 2 h with strong convulsions. After those two hours I got feeling like I have to start pushing” and everything went out from me”. Wasn’t that hard as I was expecting but definitely not easy. I went to doctor in the morning to make sure everything is out… I was week 13 and 5 days, and definitely it is easier when you lowest week.

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Ali | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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I Took ibuprofen & nausea medicine (wasn’t necessary for the 1st pill) at 9:30pm 10/28/23 took the 1st pill at 10:pm didint sleep very well :/ went to work the next day felt tired asf & wanted to cry for what was inevitably about to happen. Once I came back from work ate and relaxed for a bit then reality started kicking in & I started crying & being sooo mad & disappointed in myself that I put myself in this position.. but anyways I ended up taking the ibuprofen & nausea medicine at 8:30pm. At 9:14pm I placed the 4 pills under my tongue the pills were very chalky so be prepared for that ?? nonetheless I waited 20 minutes before swallowing the rest with water since it was completely dissolved by then. I will say the pills made my tongue & throat feel a little sore. (It went away the next day) Immediately afterwards I felt slight cramps I used the bath room & fell asleep for maybe 40 minutes when I woke up realized the blood started but the slight cramps went away ???? also the blood feels different than a period it maybe be because I was laying down a lot but it felt like it was gushing/pouring out of me whenever I stood up lmao i just want to be as detailed as possible because the packing doesn’t go into detail as to what you may experience at alll which I feel like is terrifying if you’ve never gone through this. 12:30pm I started having off & on cramps. Went to sleep at 1:20am woke up at 3am to change pads & took 1 more ibuprofen just in case I ended being able to sleep until 7:47. I had zero pain but I couldn’t tell if it was working since the sac that I heard everyone talk about didn’t come out(I was only 6 weeks so that’s probably why), except a few clots also the bleeding wasn’t as heavy. The next 6 days I had what I would consider to be heavy bleeding (occasional blood clots too) & also light cramps, back pain & my boobs were sore but again it was very mild pain on 11/04 (so about a week later) the bleeding slowed down to the brown stage kind of like towards the end of your period & after a few days the bleeding completely stopped (I was bleeding for around 2 weeks) a week after the abortion I took a pregnancy test & it came back positive but your technically supposed to wait like 3-5 weeks before taking a test so I waited like 2 1/2 weeks to test again & it was negative! I feel so relieved & back to myself again I knew I wasn’t ready for all that comes with being a parent so I’m happy with the decision I made! Overall not a bad experience at all! I definitely think the earlier you are the easier things will be so I would try to get to the pills as soon as possible Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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I took the first pill at the hospital and minutes later I took the ones you put under your tongue. I went home and on the way home in the uber not even 15 minutes in my uber I was I about to shit myself. Anyway I hold it in and when I got home diarrhea was killing me. So diarrhea isn't bad but the worst pains of my life started. They were like labour pains and I kept vomiting. Everything was just coming out while laying down. From 9am and now it's 19:30 and the pains are minimal. Just expect pain and then we'll see your pain tolerance Read More Read Less

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124 | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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I've had two abortions using this medication and my experience both times were very different. #1 - 4 weeks into pregnancy: it was honestly more mild than my period pain. I passed the pregnancy with ease and woke up the next day feeling perfectly fine. #2 - 7 weeks and 3 days: okay- it was badddd for a bit. Once the cramping hit I was in terrible pain, puking, diarrhea, the most terrible cramps I've ever experienced. I was also crying on the floor naked attributed to the intensity of the pain. I was a mess for about an hour or two. However, it didn't last and the heavy pain turned into manageable cramps, diarrhea stopped, puking stopped and it ended up being okay. I'm writing this 30 minutes after experiencing the intense pain from my second abortion. I'm not going to sugar coat it- medical abortions can potentially be very painful. However, it doesn't last long and it is manageable. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.7
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I was about 9 weeks and 1 day before taking the pill. The first pill was at the clinic when i took it, I didn’t feel anything and was good for the first 24 hours. The next day that’s when I had to take the misoprostol, 4 pills to dissolve in your mouth. Some say it could take hours to feel anything but after the 30 minutes I waited and swallowed the remainings, about 10 minutes after i immediately threw up due to how bad the cramps came so quick. It was actually like really painful. I was cramping really hard the first 4 1/2 hours. It’s like the worst period cramps you’ll ever have. Luckily I was taking lots of ibuprofen to help with the pain. Around 6 hours of taking everything the cramps finally started settling and I was able to actually calm down and relax, that’s when I first started bleeding. It’s pretty heavy and lots of blood clots but that’s a good thing. I’m still cramping and bleeding right now but the experience is hard, but I don’t regret it. Read More Read Less

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Passalem | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.7
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I’m writing this review for those who may be terrified from reading other stories; please don’t read them before you start this- it’s the worse thing you can do. I have severe emetophobia and was panicking so much, in tears and hysterical before taking the medication, but it honestly has not been that bad. For context, I found out I was pregnant last Thursday and was 4 weeks so very early. Me and my partner decided very quickly we weren’t ready for this and opted for a medical abortion. The tablets arrived Wednesday morning. I took an anti nausea pill, had a bit of food and then one hour later took the first pill. No side effects at all, other than some light cramping and bleeding the next day. Last night at exactly the 48 hour mark, I took 400mg Ibuprofen, 400mg paracetamol, anti sickness and inserted the first 4 pills vaginally. The cramps started within 10 minutes but they were few and far between and very light, barely noticeable (it’s worth noting I do also have endometriosis so do tend to have quite a high pain threshold, but I was expecting the worse). No bleeding yet. At 8.30pm I called the nurse as I hadn’t yet experienced bleeding and the cramping was so light I barely noticed it. She told me this was normal and it can take a few hours for some women. I took the last 2 tablets again vaginally at 9pm. It was at this point it started to kick in- still no horrific cramps or bleeding, but I was shaking uncontrollably, incredibly cold and had some nausea. I think the nausea was from the fact I hadn’t eaten in a while though and one of my pregnancy symptoms seemed to have been increased appetite. I also had a very dry throat and mouth, but honestly believe this was from the anxiety I’d felt going through this before. After an hour, the chills and the nausea subsided and I fell asleep for the evening. I slept through the whole night without waking, and woke up this morning to go to the loo and had some light bleeding in the toilet bowl, but my pad was clean indicating I hadn’t bled over night. I called the nurse again as I was worried it hadn’t worked. I talked through all my side effects last night and she reassured me that based on the cramping and the chills/shivering, everything was working like it was supposed to. She told me to go back to normal activities today and move around a lot so that gravity could do its thing. The chills have gone and I have no nausea, just light cramping and bleeding now. I was so worried and panicking about the process and I really didn’t need to. Other than 1 hour of feeling pretty rough from the chills and nausea, the process has been smooth and nothing like some of the reviews that I’ve read or the horror stories I’ve heard. You’ve got this and you will be fine!Read More Read Less

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Aditi | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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Hello, I’m 28 year old married women. Im 5 week pregnant. My doctor prescribed me mifepristone and misoprostol after dng my blood test & sonography etc. I took mifepristone on 27th oct 9am (after heavy breakfast). I was all good till 10pm. After that I started feeling nausea and dizziness for 3-4 hours. I did vomit twice. That’s is then again I was good. Next day also till 4pm I was cool but then all of sudden I started bleeding. But not heavy or painful as such. Just like day 2 or 3 periods types. I passed some clots as well. No pain nothing. 3rd day (today) on 29th oct 9am I took misoprostol. And after 10 min I started cramps but trust me very very much bearable. Just like periods not more than that. My experience was so good with these tablets. Initially I was so anxious but nothing to worry. after 10 days I’m gonna do sonography again to make sure that everything is ok. It was my first ever abortion and so that I was so nervous. Ladies if u are looking for safe and smooth abortion just go for it. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.3
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I’m writing this review to encourage someone out there who is really worried and anxious like I was. So I was 7weeks and 3 days gone. I couldn’t even keep the pregnancy because it almost ended my life so an abortion seemed best. I had been really sick for three weeks straight already that I couldn’t even move out of the house. I came here and saw so many terrible reviews after it was prescribed to me, but I took it away. I’m a Christian and I said a prayer to Jesus to help me overcome. Took the first pill (mifepristone) the day before at 9pm. Almost felt nothing except a little discomfort at 2am and the urge to throw up but it lasted just 30 minutes or so. I was able to sleep well afterwards. Next day around 9pm, I took the four pills (misoprostol) sublingually. It didn’t have a taste and it wasn’t horrible. As the contents melted underneath my tongue, I could feel minor cramps already. 30 minutes later, I swished around my mouth with water and that was where it all began. I resisted the urge to throw up after that because I didn’t want to take another pill but 15 minutes later, I threw up. Couldn’t even hold it down. The cramps began around 9:45pm and it felt like a really bad period. Light bleeding started around 10pm after I passed a tissue and I felt really dizzy. I was in and out of serious cramps between 9:45pm to 1:35am. I didn’t take anti nausea or pain medication prior but at some point by 12am or so, I begged my sis to give me the ibruprofen 800mg that was prescribed. I guess it helped with the pain. I bleed pretty well and released clots as well within that time before I slept a bit. It’s past 5am now and I woke up to change the pad cus the other one was soaked. I still feel some cramping but it’s really mild. Asides a really bad period and the shaking from pain, I am fine. I’m first grateful to my Jesus for saving my life and allowing me the strength to go through it. I’m going to make better choices now and not have to go through this again. You will be fine. Have food, preferably something liquid without so much spice. So you can take sips in between when you feel too dizzy. I’m one of the most fragile people I know physically and if I could go through it, then you definitely can. Love you. ?? Read More Read Less

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kayydie | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.3
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I took the first pill on sunday around 11:45pm. next day i had some cramps here and there but only spotted a little throughout the day. monday at 11:15 i took nausea meds and 800mg ibuprofen. then at 11:45 i took the 4 pills under the tongue. they do not have a taste, but the texture is absolutely horrendous. i was 10 minutes in and wanted to spit them out so badly. around 12:10 i started to have cramping. the cramping was pretty tolerable at this point but it still was achy and uncomfortable. around 12:30 the cramping was absolutely unbearable. i was in so much pain i nearly passed out. i was laying in fetal position with a heating pad on me. the heating pad doesn’t help. i had to trick my mind that it was benefitting me at all. i was not nauseated but i think if i didn’t take nausea meds i would’ve been. the cramping is pretty persistent but every so often it gets even worse for about 2-3 minutes but then you get a release of the pain. then it starts again. i didn’t bleed a lot until about 3 hours in at 3am. i was able to sleep through the majority of the bleeding. waking up every 2 hours to check how bad it was. i definitely recommend eating a few hours before, taking nausea and pain meds, and having someone there with you. like your partner or a good friend. having my partner there made everything 10x better just to know i wasn’t alone. overall it’s 2:20om the next day. i’m still bleeding and i get random cramps like it’s my period. but other than that i think that it could’ve been a lot worse. just try to stay hydrated and positive and you will be okay ! <3Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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Hey so I came here to leave a review that will help sooo many people !!! This was my second time ever taking these pills and let me tell you I had two very different experiences!!! First time go around I match all of these horrific reviews I was shaking crying in horrible pain and I thought I would never do this ever again but after having 2 babies back to back I couldn’t have a 3rd so I found myself doing this a second and last time but this experience was nothing like the first time !! I was so anxious and nervous because all I could remember was pain and horrible pain at that !! So the doctor had me take the 1st pill at the office and when it was time for the second set of pills I was nervous as hell and the doctor told me to take 1 800 ibuprofen and I said screw that and took 2 and when I tell u that was the best decision I have made !!! Man I am so happy I did it was literally like having a period with bare minimum cramps I kept waiting and waiting for the unbearable pain and it never came !!! Please ladies that one pill is not enough!! Take 2 and relax !! I hope this help as many people as it can !!! Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.0
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I’m currently just overcoming the process of my abortion. I was given one pill to be taken orally 24 hours prior and then 4 inserted vaginally. The first pill was a breeze which was expected but as soon as an hour went by after inserting the 4 remaining pills it felt like a wave nausea and sickness came over me and I ran to the bathroom and threw up and had diarrhea. Luckily I had been wearing diapers as I new the amount of blood was going to be too much for regular pads so I suggest you buy diapers! However, what I just experienced was the worst thing I could have ever imagined. I was scared but mainly for the cramps which I hardly had any of I just had intense feeling of numbness and “buzzing” in my vagina and lower stomach almost feeling inflamed. I don’t wish this on my worst enemy I passed our on my bathroom floor in a pool of my own vomit and blood. I completely thought I was going to die I was helpless it got to a point where I gave up and couldn’t fight the pain. If you have other options - please don’t go ahead with this pill.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.3
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Before using it, I was already 8 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I couldn't get mifepristone so I used only misoprostol which I inserted vaginally, at 5:49 pm, 3 hrs later, felt chills and mild cramping. Woke up 6 hours later bleeding, went to the bathroom passed a big clot. The bleeding soaked through pads very quickly so make sure you change it regularly. Passed more clots . But I'm alright just mild cramping. I must confess miso fem misoprostol works like magic.

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K | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
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I was prescribed Misoprostol at 8 weeks due to no heartbeat in fetus. I started bleeding 6 hours after taking pill. Cramping intensified after an hour or so of bleeding. I proceeded to pass tissue with extremely painful cramping and heavy bleeding for about 5-6 hours. Heating pad was helpful. IB profin and Tylenol was not enough for pain. Would recommend asking for a pain medication prescription before beginning the process. I was given instructions to complete the treatment a second time 48 hours after inserting the first set of pills. Cramping and bleeding started within an hour. The cramping ebbed and flowed from light to extremely painful over a 4 day period of time. At one point it became too painful and I went to the doctor for pain medication. I recommend taking a week off of work for this procedure as it takes a very physical toll on your body. Mentally is another story! I was instructed to Read More Read Less

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Anonymous |
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.7
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I understand everyone is different but I thought I would just share mine with you incase you are as horrified as I was. Took the first pill in the clinic my anxiety at an all time high. 23 1/2 hours later took 800 mgs Ibuprofen and the anti nausea med they sent home. 30 minutes later I dissolved the 4 tabs in my mouth for 30 minutes, swished and swallowed the rest. 12 minutes later I started to lightly bleed. Continued housework and things to keep me busy. Mild pain like a period. Started passing clots but not soaking pads. Within 3-4 hours everything had passed and now it's just as if I'm on my period.Read More Read Less

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MonkeyDLuffy | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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I’d like to preface that everyone is different. As it is my first time ever taking ms2step I looked for reviews and info on symptoms and after effects. I was currently 7weeks. Took Mifepristone on Wednesday morning 10am. Nervous and anxious about the side effects, I only had nausea.. lots of nausea and fatigue. I took Misoprostol orally on Thursday night at 8:30pm. It was so hard to keep it down, even though I took nausea tablets and painkillers beforehand. For the 3 hours nothing came. 4 hours around 12:30am I started to bleed. Heavy clots and heavy bleeding went throughout the night as I slept it off. Slight discomfort and no cramps. I’m currently resting in bed on a Friday morning. Heavily clotting still but no pain. I was so scared of what was to come. Dragging out taking MS2STEP but I feel fine. Yes a little discomfort but it just feels like any period just heavier. If anyone is every nervous to take it as their first time. Consider me, - someone who was terrified to take it - completely fine. Rest and staying hydrated and also pain killers on hand and you’ll be good to go. Read More Read Less

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Mum of 3 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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5 weeks pregnant, day 1 took the first tablet. I passed a huge clot and minor bleeding 30hours after but no other side effects. I took the MS2 4 tablets buccaly, in mouth (2 either side of cheek, let sit and dissolve kind of for 30mins, then swallowed remnants with water). 3 minor but tight contractions with min the hour, by hour 2 a huge passing of giant clots and pouring blood. I took 3 ibuprofen and watched a movie. Heavy cramping and bleeding, I took a long hot shower, passed mini clots and more bleeding. Had 3 paracetamol and watched another movie with a heat pack on my tummy. Uncomfortable but bearable. Picture: I've a 6yo and twin 5yo girls. My family needs zero new additions. Read More Read Less

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