9 Things You Can Do to Avoid Fibromyalgia Pain and Fatigue
I'm having a hard time getting things done. What can I do?
How can I exercise when I feel tired?
Can massage reduce my fibromyalgia pain?
What can I do for my muscle pain and stiffness?
Can acupuncture help fibromyalgia pain?
How can I get a good night's sleep?
I'm overwhelmed by my fibromyalgia symptoms. What can I do?
Are supplements a safe way to treat pain and help me sleep?
How can I get some stress relief?
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Arthritis Today: "Do-It-Yourself Arthritis Pain Relief," "Using Heat and Cold for Pain Relief."
Harris, R. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, August 2005.
Jones K. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, Sept. 25, 2006.
Kalichman, L. Rheumatology International, July 2010.
Mark J. Pellegrino, MD, specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation, Ohio Pain and Rehabilitation Center.
National Fibromyalgia Association: "Newly Diagnosed Patient."
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases: "Questions and Answers about Fibromyalgia," "Acupuncture."
National Sleep Foundation: "Let Sleep Work for You."
Singh, B. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, March-April 2006.
Vukovic, L. User's Guide to Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia, Basic Health Publications, 2005.