What Is the Difference Between Wellness and Preventive Care?

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Barry Nolan
What is the difference between wellness care and preventive care?

Donald Hill
Preventive care sounds like something that you would do like a checkup to make sure that everything is okay and wellness care sounds like something that you would do if something is wrong with you and you need -- you're getting taking care of and therefore, after you're getting taking care of, the after -- the after it's taking care of, that's wellness care. So, preventive is before so that it doesn't happen and wellness is after it happens.

Barry Nolan
So do you know then what a -- what the difference is between wellness care and preventive care is?

Oh, Yeah I do definitely what the difference between those two are.

Barry Nolan
Oh, well, explain!

Preventive care is things like getting your yearly check ups, your vaccinations, things like that to keep you from getting sick. And then wellness care would be like, "I’m sick I should go to the doctor now."