Nutrition to Help Your Liver
Keep Your Liver Happy
Leafy Greens
Skinless Chicken Breasts
Healthy Oils
Green Tea
What Not to Eat
Don't 'Detox'
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15) Olindana / Getty Images
PubMed Health: “How Does The Liver Work?”
American Liver Foundation: “Liver Disease Diets: How You Should Eat If You Have …,” “Alcohol and Your Liver.”
National Library of Medicine: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: “Plants Consumption and Liver Health.”
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: “How To Get Your Kids To Eat Dark Leafy Greens,” “In a Nutshell.”
Institute For Liver Health: “3 Great Foods For Your Liver.”
Harvard Health Publishing: “Grapefruit and Medication: A Cautionary Note.” “Fiber: How to Increase the Amount in Your Diet.”
Advances In Nutrition: “Impact of Dietary Fibers on Nutrient Management and Detoxification Organs: Gut, Liver, and Kidneys.” “Fruit Fiber Consumption Specifically Improves Liver Health Status in Obese Subjects under Energy Restriction.”
Mayo Clinic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating: “Chart of High-Fiber Foods,” “Do Detox Diets Offer Any Health Benefits?”
Kids Health: “Learning About Proteins.”
Love Your Liver: “Diet.”
World Journal of Gastroenterology: “Oily Fish, Coffee and Walnuts: Dietary Treatment for nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.”
American Heart Association: “The Benefits of Beans and Legumes.”
Cleveland Clinic: “Health Essentials: Heart-Healthy Cooking: Oils 101.”
British Liver Trust: “Coffee Consumption and the Liver – the Potential Health Benefits.”
National Library of Medicine.
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine: “The Effect of Green Tea Intake On Risk of Liver Disease: A Meta Analysis.”
EDWCA: “Hydration.”
The Hepatitis C Trust: “Diet.”