Tips for Everyday Challenges From Crohn's
Medically Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on October 30, 2023
Load Up on Liquids
Lower Your Stress Level
Snack Small
Be Smart About Fiber
Plan Your Outings
Stick With Your Treatment Plan
Create a Kit
Check on Dairy
Keep a Food Diary
Pace Yourself
Know Your Crohn’s
Reach Out
Show Sources
1) Ridofranz / Getty Images
2) Baks / Getty Images
3) puhhha / Getty Images
4) robynmac / Getty Images
5) IrKiev / Getty Images
6) Ridofranz / Getty Images
7) moiseXVII / Getty Images
8) bit245 / Getty Images
9) shironosov / Getty Images
10) DragonImages / Getty Images
11) eggeeggjiew / Getty Images
12) monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation: “What Should I Eat?” “Navigating Daily Life with IBD,” “Fact Sheet: Young Adults and IBD,” “Navigating IBD as a Teen.”
Mayo Clinic: “Crohn’s Disease.”
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: “Eating, Diet, & Nutrition for Crohn’s Disease.”