Lung Cancer Features
My Experience as a Black Person With Lung Cancer
- Advice for mSCLC Caregivers: What You Need to Know
Caregivers provide support for people with metastatic small-cell lung cancer. Here’s advice on how to take care of yourself and your loved one.
- Focus on the Mental Impact of Inoperable Lung Cancer
Physical impacts of inoperable lung cancer are widely discussed, but the mental impact is not. Arif Kamal, MD, shares why it’s key and how to find help.
- What I’ve Learned From My Patients About The Challenges of Inoperable Lung Cancer
A pulmonologist describes how, though lung cancer may remain inoperable, targeted therapies and early screening have changed the game.
- Having ‘The Talk’ with Your Doctor About Your Late-Stage NSCLC Treatment and Outlook
Late-Stage NSCLC: What your doctor may talk about, like treatment, outcome, outlook, palliative care, hospice care, and end-of-life changes.
- Advances in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treatment
The discovery that there are many types of NSCLC has led to many advances in how the disease is treated. Learn what you need to know.
- NSCLC: When You Need More Than One Treatment
Not long ago, chemotherapy was the only treatment for this type of cancer. Now, doctors have many options. Sometimes, they combine them.
- How I Decided to Hold Out for the Best Lung Cancer Treatment
Lung cancer isn’t always about smoking. For Leah Phillips, radon caused her inoperable lung cancer. Learn how targeted therapies brightened her outlook.
- Spotlight On: Inoperable Lung Cancer
"Inoperable lung cancer" can seem like a scary diagnosis with no options. But there is hope with traditional therapy and new treatments. Learn more.
- Optimizing Treatment For Inoperable Lung Cancer
There are more treatments than ever for inoperable lung cancer. Here’s how to make your therapy work toward its fullest.
- Advice That Helps, Advice that Hurts
A non-small-cell lung cancer survivor and advocate shares the words that helped and hurt her the most.
- How My Care Team Helped Me
If you have inoperable lung cancer, you rely on your lung cancer care team. Here, one patient explains why finding the right one is so important.
- The Emotional Side of Treatment I Wasn’t Prepared For
For Natalie Brown, a lung cancer diagnosis and what followed, sent her on a roller coaster ride of feelings. She explains what it's like living with the disease.
- Making Lung Cancer Treatment Work for You
Larry Gershon has lived with cancer for years. He explains what choices work best for his lifestyle and how to find the path that best suits you.
- A Day in My Life With Inoperable Lung Cancer
A woman diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer recounts how she maintains the normalcy of her family and work life while also adjusting to the new normal of living with lung cancer.
- A Nurse's Perspective: The Unknowns of Treatment
Alison Massey debunks the common misconceptions about chemotherapy and other way cancer treatments, while also sharing what to actually expect.
- Changing the Outlook for Inoperable Lung Cancer
David Tom Cooke, MD, a professor and specialist in the surgical treatment of lung cancer, discusses the field's incredible treatment advances .
- Coming to Terms With Your Metastatic Small-Cell Lung Cancer Diagnosis
If you’ve been diagnosed with metastatic SCLC, you may be feeling emotions ranging from fear to anger to sadness. Here’s advice on how to cope.
- Why Are Women Who Never Smoked Getting Lung Cancer?
Why is lung cancer among people who’ve never smoked more common among women than men? And why are there no lung cancer screening guidelines for people who have never smoked? Get the facts.
- The Importance of Early Detection of NSCLC
The sooner you spot non-small-cell lung cancer, the more likely your treatment will be successful. Here’s what you need to know about screening tests, risk factors, and lung cancer symptoms.
- Treating Early Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Learn how early non-small-cell lung cancer is treated and what your options are.
- Diagnosing Early Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Learn more about the warning signs of early non-small-cell lung cancer, how doctors test for it, and why screening is important.
- NSCLC: Exploring Treatment Challenges and the Potential in Clinical Trials
What’s the future of NSCLC treatment? Learn about challenges in treatment for NSCLC and why clinical trials may be a good treatment option.
- What People Don’t Understand About NSCLC
What don’t people know about NSCLC? Is it different from other lung cancers? Can nonsmokers get it? Find out common misconceptions and misunderstandings about NSCLC and what’s actually true.
- How I Maintain Hope Despite Another Treatment Cycle
How do you manage life with NSCLC? How can you stay hopeful when you have the disease, even after prolonged treatment? Find out about one man’s journey with NSCLC and what he does to maintain hope.
- How Genes and Genetic Biomarkers Affect Lung Cancer
Genetic biomarker testing is a must if you have non-small-cell lung cancer. Get the facts on lung cancer biomarkers and your genes.
- The Emotional Side of Lung Cancer
A condition like lung cancer can trigger a wide range of emotions such as grief, anger, and feeling helpless. Everyone is different, so there’s no “normal” way to feel. But no matter where you are in your journey, these strategies can help you cope.
- Can a Wellness App Help People With Lung Cancer?
If you’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer, it’s important to think about steps you can take to maintain a healthy lifestyle so you can live well for as long as possible. Mobile apps can help.
- Celebrities Who Support Lung Cancer Charities
Lung cancer is the second most common form of the disease in the United States for both men and women. But stars of movies, television, music, and comedy are lending their power to the organizations that are determined to change that statistic.
- Foods to Avoid With Lung Cancer
It’s key to eat the right foods when you have lung cancer. But there are some foods you should stay away from, too. Learn which ones and why.
- The Link Between Chronic Inflammation and Lung Cancer
Learn more about the link between ongoing inflammation and lung cancer, and what you can do to fight it.
- How I Found My Lung Cancer Community
Many people who have or had lung cancer say they wouldn’t have made it through the early days of the disease without the support of people who have been there. Learn more about what support groups offer, what to look for, and how to find the best one for you.
- Supplements That Are Safe to Take When You Have Lung Cancer
Lung cancer and its treatment can affect your appetite and how your body uses nutrients. Some people take supplements and vitamins to get the nutrients they need. Certain supplements are safe, but always check with your doctor before taking one.
- The Best Lung Cancer Blogs
A lung cancer diagnosis can leave you feeling overwhelmed. But you’re far from alone. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or info on cancer research, there’s a blog you can turn to. Here are some tips on how to find the best one for you.
- My Life with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
What’s it like to live with stage IV lung cancer? A survivor shares her story, along with tips for finding resources to help support your own cancer journey.
- An Expert’s Perspective: Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
An expert shares the challenges of diagnosing non-small-cell lung cancer in its early stages, and how he finds the right treatment.
- Advances in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treatments
Developments in targeted therapies are among the many breakthroughs that have changed the face of treatment for non-small-cell lung cancer. A cancer specialist shares what other NSCLC therapy advancements are on the horizon.
- Tips for Talking With Loved Ones About Your Lung Cancer
Sharing news of your lung cancer diagnosis isn’t easy. These steps can help the conversation go smoothly.
- What No One Tells You About Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the most deadly form of the disease. But there are some things that may go unmentioned at your medical appointments. Here’s what to know if you or a loved one has been diagnosed.
- How Alcohol Affects Lung Cancer
Alcohol can cause cancer in many parts of your body, but research hasn’t linked it to lung cancer. Still, it’s important to note the many other ways it can affect your lung health.
- Best Foods for Lung Cancer
How can the foods you eat affect your lung cancer? Find out more about the nutrients you need to help your body through treatment, side effects, and more.
- Finding Peace of Mind With Metastatic NSCLC
Lung cancer can be a challenge. But you don’t need to handle it alone. Learn how you can find some peace of mind.
- Expert Q&A: Immunotherapy for Metastatic Lung Cancer
Lung cancer expert Julie Brahmer, MD, explains how immunotherapy has changed the way doctors treat metastatic lung cancer.
- Advances in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treatment
The discovery that there are many types of NSCLC has led to many advances in how the disease is treated. Learn what you need to know.
- Palliative Care and Quality of Life
Palliative care for cancer patients helps ease discomfort, anxiety, nausea, and emotional distress. Find out how palliative care can improve quality of life during and after cancer treatment.
- NSCLC: When You Need More Than One Treatment
Not long ago, chemotherapy was the only treatment for this type of cancer. Now, doctors have many options. Sometimes, they combine them.
- Chemotherapy Nausea: Questions to Ask Your Doctor
If you're about to start chemotherapy, you might be worried about side effects. But nausea and vomiting aren't inevitable.