NSCLC Effects on the Body

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Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer, NSCLC develops when normal cells mutate and begin to divide and grow rapidly in lung tissue. Initial symptoms may include feeling unwell, cough that gets worse, sometimes with blood, chest pain. Symptoms may occur when the tumor in your lung compresses on nearby airways and organs or veins. The superior vena cava, SVC vein when restricted, can cause swelling, dizziness, and headaches.

Tumors that obstruct the airway can lead to chronic respiratory infections like pneumonia and bronchitis. Inflammation and fluid buildup in the lungs can create pressure and lead to a partial or fully collapsed lung. If your cancer spreads to other parts of the body, you may experience additional symptoms in later stages.

Jaundice may occur if the cancer spreads to the liver and obstructs your bile ducts. The buildup of bilirubin in the body leads to a yellow tint in the eyes and skin along with itchiness and dark urine. You may also experience discomfort in your bones. There are different treatment options available to target the NSCLC and help alleviate symptoms. Talk with your doctor to see which are best for you.