photo of man writing in journal

Before you see your doctor for Peyronie’s disease, it’s important to prepare. This will help your appointment go smoothly and ease some anxiety you may have. There are a few things you can do to get yourself on the right track for appointment day.

Take the Right Documents With You

When you get to your appointment, you’ll need your photo ID, your insurance card (if you plan to pay that way), and a form of payment if you didn’t pay ahead of time. Also bring a pen and paper if you'd like to take notes and a list of your medications.

 To make sure that you don’t forget these things, plan to prepare them before the day of your appointment. Make sure your insurance card is up to date. Place your ID, insurance card, and form of payment in a wallet or other bag you’ll keep with you.

Your doctor may have also emailed you some registration forms. You can complete these before your appointment.

If you do these things beforehand, you won’t have to scramble on the day of your appointment.

Bring Your Medications

In order to allow your doctor to understand your condition fully, they’ll need to know what kind of medicine you take. You can either bring all your medications in a bag or write down the type of drug and the dosage you take.

Make sure to bring or write down everything you use at the moment. This includes:

  • Prescription medications
  • Over-the-counter drugs
  • Supplements
  • Vitamins
  • Herbal medications

Record All of Your Symptoms

With Peyronie’s disease, you may get uncomfortable when you talk to your doctor about your symptoms. But it’s important to remember that your care team is there to take care of your well-being. You should share any and all symptoms with them so they can give you the best form of care.

Your doctor will be sure to make you feel safe and heard as you share.

To make sure you remember all of your symptoms, write them down before your appointment. Bring this list with you so you and your doctor can go over it together.

Become Familiar With Your and Your Family’s History

Your doctor will want to know more about your medical history. Bring any paperwork about past conditions, surgeries, or other things about your health. This is especially important if you’re going to this doctor for the first time. You can ask your other doctors to send your medical records to your new doctor.

Your Peyronie’s specialist may also want the names and phone numbers of your other doctors. Make sure to prepare a list of these ahead of time too.

It’s also important to learn more about your family’s medical history. Be sure to get some basic knowledge, if possible, before your appointment.

Ask a Loved One to Join

If you feel nervous before your appointment, don’t hesitate to ask a friend or family member to come along. This may help you feel more comfortable during your visit. You can ask them to come in the room with you or stay in the waiting room while you talk with your specialist.

If you’re worried that you may not remember all the information from your appointment, a buddy can also help you. With another person in the room, you can spend more time speaking with your doctor and less time worrying about taking notes.

Your loved one can also help you remember to ask certain questions.

Just be sure to let the other person know your expectations for the appointment. You don’t want them to take too strong of a role. This might make it hard for you to talk and connect with your doctor. Also, be sure to check with your doctor’s office that they allow another person in the room with you.

Ensure That You Can Listen and See Well

If you use glasses, contacts, or a hearing aid, make sure you have these ready before your appointment. Make sure your hearing aid works well too. 

In some cases, you might want to let your doctor know that you have trouble seeing or hearing. This way, they can make sure to speak slowly or write down some information.

If you don’t speak the same first language as your doctor, you might want to request an interpreter. Call your doctor’s office before the day of your appointment and ask. It’s very important that you understand the information from your doctor. If you get mixed up or confused, speak up right away.

Show Sources

Photo Credit: Moment RF / Getty Images


National Institutes of Health: “How to Prepare for a Doctor’s Appointment.” “3 Tips to Prepare for Your First Doctor’s Visit.”

Mayo Clinic: “Peyronie’s Disease.”