Can Sex Really Cause Headaches or Migraines?

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DR. MICHAEL SMITH: Unfortunately, sex can cause migraines and headaches. We don't quite know why sex can cause migraines. It might be a change in blood flow, change in blood pressure, may be a surge of chemicals that causes a migraine-- we don't know.

But it can also cause other types of headaches. Two particular types-- there's a pre-orgasmic headache. Obviously, happens kind of during the time of arousal, as excitement mounts, so to speak.

And there's also orgasmic headaches. Usually orgasmic headaches are just short-lived, but sometimes they can last a little bit longer-- four hours or more. If that happens, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever-- something like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. If it happens frequently, though, definitely tell your doctor, because he can give you medicine to actually decrease the frequency of those headaches.