Korats are a blue-grey short-haired cat breed. This type of cat is of slight to medium build but often feels heavier than expected. Korats have heart-shaped heads with large eyes. They’re one of the few breeds that have only one color. They’re smart, playful, active cats who form a strong bond with their owners.
They’re considered reasonably easy to care for. They’re also pretty charming and curious. Korats get along with most people, which makes them great for families. We’ll discuss more to help you determine if the Korat is right for yours.
Characteristics of a Korat
Female Korats weigh between six and eight pounds, while males are larger, weighing in at 10 pounds or more. Korats are small- to medium-sized, compact cats. They only come in one color: blue with silver tips. When their hair grows, the roots are lighter, and they turn darker blue as they grow longer before developing a silver tip.
On rare occasions, some Korats can have noticeable or faint spots and white markings. You may even notice very light gray stripes on their coat. These spots can sometimes grow with age. These spots and markings do not affect personality or health.
Korats have a mild temperament. They’re also very loyal and intelligent. Their curiosity makes them eager to know their surroundings and the people around them.
Their cuddly nature makes them want to be close to their owners, and they also love to play with other cats or children. They’re a pretty active breed.
You may notice the Korat has a unique “heart-shaped” head. An interesting fact about them is there are four hearts associated with their build. The head holds three of the heart shapes. When looking at your Korat head-on, you’ll see a Valentine-shaped heart. Looking down over the top of your Korat’s head, you’ll find the second. The third heart can be found on the nose. The fourth heart is found in the muscular areas of their chest when they are sitting. These heart shapes become more prominent as they get older.
Korat’s necks are short and heavy, connecting to a broad chest. However, their shoulders are still slightly more expansive than their chest. In addition to a sturdy build, they have great hearing, sight, and smell.
Caring for a Korat
Korats have a short, single coat. When you pet them, their hair doesn’t fall away. This can help make them tolerable to people with cat allergies. This doesn’t mean they’re non-shedding or hypoallergenic, though. Their presence can still cause a reaction, and you will have to clean up cat hair.
Since Korats don’t have a downy undercoat, they are less likely to mat. This means that very little grooming is needed. Good weekly brushing can help reduce shedding around the house and keep your Korat looking shiny.
You will also need to trim your Korat’s nails. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this yourself, you can ask your vet to help you when you take your cat in for routine checkups. Routine vet visits are also important for maintaining your cat’s overall health and well-being. Your vet should start your cat on a flea and tick control and heartworm prevention plan when they’re little.
The proper diet for a Korat can depend on certain genetics and conditions. Your vet will be able to tell you the right type of diet and the amount of food you should be feeding your cat. Their weight will also be monitored at the annual checkups, and your vet can guide you on the right course of action for your Korat’s diet and well-being. A cat’s risk for obesity will depend on:
- Diet
- Metabolism
- Activity level
- Age
Proper care and routine maintenance can help your Korat live a happy, healthy life.
Health Problems to Watch for With a Korat
Korats are considered a pedigree breed, which means they use a smaller gene pool for breeding. Unfortunately, a smaller gene pool comes with a higher risk of developing an inherited disorder.
Gangliosidosis is an inherited enzyme deficiency that is commonly found in Korats. This condition affects their nervous system and can cause paralysis. Breeders can test for this gene and should not knowingly breed Korats with this genetic condition. Your breeder should be able to confirm that your cat has been tested.
In general, little is known about the inherited disorders that these cats can have. Routine vet visits can make it easier for you to catch health problems before they become an emergency. Make sure to watch out for any strange behavior from your cat. If you notice them not eating or acting differently, you should call your vet. It’s always better to be cautious than deal with an emergency later.
Special Considerations for a Korat
Korats are a social breed and want to be around people. They need companionship and do not do well alone for long periods. This is a sensitive breed, and if left alone for too long, they can become withdrawn from their family.
They prefer to be affectionate and are often seeking their owner's attention. Korats love to bond with their families by climbing in your lap or arms to show you love. As much as they love people, they also do well with other animals. However, they can become jealous if they notice another pet getting a lot of love and attention from their owner.
These cats love to play, so they need a family who can provide that for them. They're very energetic and smart. Giving them interactive toys and playtime can help tire them out and stimulate their mind. You can also try brain games like puzzle toys and reward them with a cat treat.
When they're not playing, they love to curl up in a warm lap and nap by their owner. They can be a little dominant, especially when they're seeking attention.
Korats love to explore, so you may find yours perched atop the refrigerator or cabinet. This helps them get a better view of their home and what's happening around them.
If you’re considering adding a cat to your family, then a Korat is a great breed to welcome home. They are a sweet breed of cat that wants to please their owner and be rewarded with love and attention. They’re very observant cats and will watch what you do and try to duplicate it.
Korats are very loyal and give all their love and respect to their owners. One thing to consider is that they’re typically either in full-blown active mode or glued to your side. They love to follow their owners around and be involved in whatever you’re doing. Their curiosity also means they may investigate and get into purses, coats, or other objects of yours that are around.
History of Korats
Korats are an old breed. They were first discovered in Ampur Pimai of the Korat province in Thailand. The earliest recorded Korat appears in The Cat-Book of Poems from around 1350-1767. Korats are considered one of Thailand's 17 "good luck" cats.
Korats were once sacred wedding gifts due to their ability to check for scorpions before babies were put in their cribs. King Rama V of Thailand was especially fond of Korats. He ordered state funerals when one of his favorite Korats would pass away.
In Thailand, the breed is known as Si-Sawat, which means "color of the sawat seed." A pair of Korats was first introduced to the U.S. for breeding in 1959. It wasn’t until the late 1960s, though, after the Vietnam War, that more Korats were brought over to the U.S. by returning military personnel.
Korats are one of the oldest and purest breeds. They are held in high regard by the Cat Fanciers Association and gained championship status from the association in 1966.
Korats have a long and interesting history. As an ancient breed, there are big differences between what to expect from a Korat and what to expect from a typical domesticated cat.
Korats are a wonderful cat breed to bring into your family. They have a lively personality and are relatively easy to care for. As long as you're able to give them exercise and playtime and show them your love and affection, they will be happy cats.
There is plenty to consider before bringing a new pet into your household. You'll need to account for your family size, where you live, other pets you have around, and how your children may react to them and vice versa, but with the right research and a reputable breeder, you'll be ready to invite a furry companion into your home.