Can My Dog Eat Pumpkin?

Medically Reviewed by Amy Flowers, DVM on April 12, 2023
4 min read

Pumpkin contains important nutrients that make it a nutritious addition to your pet's meals. It may also be beneficial when your dog has digestive problems. But some kinds of prepared pumpkin might not be good for your dog, so it's helpful to know which kind to serve and how often. Because each pet is different, your veterinarian is always the best person to ask about feeding pumpkin to your dog.

Pumpkin is nutritious for humans and also has several health benefits for your dog.

Mineral and vitamin-packed. Pumpkin contains vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals such as iron and potassium. These nutrients can support your dog’s overall health.

Rich in fiber. Pumpkin can help with constipation and diarrhea. Its fiber content adds bulk to your dog's stool and helps food move through his digestive tract. It also absorbs water, which can help make your dog's stool firmer in the case of diarrhea.

Prebiotic powerhouse. Fiber is also a prebiotic. It helps feed the good bacteria in your dog's digestive tract and prevent bad bacteria from growing. This can help keep your dog's digestion healthy.

Healthy treat. Many dogs love the taste of pumpkin. You can give your dog a few spoonfuls instead of giving them less-healthy biscuits.

Giving your dog the wrong kind of pumpkin or too much pumpkin can have negative effects.

Digestive problems. Too much fiber can have the opposite effect, even causing diarrhea. It can make your dog lose too much weight and also cause gas and bloating.

May contain sodium, sugar, and other unhealthy additives. You should only feed your dog pure pumpkin without any additives. Some types of canned pumpkin may contain a lot of sodium or sugar, which is not good for dogs. It's easy to mistake pumpkin pie filler for pure pumpkin, so it's important to read labels carefully.

May contain dangerous additives. Canned pumpkin that is not pure can have spices, such as nutmeg, which can be dangerous for dogs. Sugar-free canned pumpkin may also contain xylitol, which can even kill your dog.

For constipation and diarrhea, you can feed 1 to 4 tablespoons at mealtime, depending on your dog's size and calorie needs. Although pumpkin is relatively low in calories, if you feed it to your dog often, the calories can add up and cause weight gain. The same is true if you're giving it as a treat. Treats should be included in your dog's total calorie intake to avoid unexpected weight gain.

Always start with small quantities to avoid adding too much fiber at once. If you have doubts about the amount of pumpkin to add to your dog's diet, always consult your veterinarian.

Here are some ways to feed pumpkin to your dog.

Canned pumpkin. Plain canned pumpkin is easy to feed your dog, as you don't need to cook it. Ensure it doesn’t have additives, and serve it directly.

Freshly baked pumpkin. To prepare fresh pumpkin, remove the seeds and bake it in the oven until it is soft. Scoop out the flesh, and let it cool before serving it to your dog.

Crunchy roasted pumpkin seeds. You may also add pumpkin seeds to your dog’s diet as a crunchy treat. Clean and roast fresh seeds without salt. Let them cool, and then grind them up into your dog’s food. You may also feed them whole, but be sure to consider the size of your dog — they could be a choking hazard for very small dogs.

Can dogs eat raw pumpkin?

Dogs can eat plain raw pumpkin. But for some dogs, raw foods might be harder to digest than cooked foods. Be sure to cut the raw pumpkin into small pieces your dog can't choke on.

Dogs should only be given pure pumpkin without added fat, sugar, and salt. They should never be given pumpkin pie filling or other pumpkin products made for humans, because some spices and sugar substitutes, such as nutmeg and xylitol, can be toxic to dogs. Be sure to read labels carefully and ask your vet whenever you're in doubt.

How much pumpkin can I give my dog?

For digestive problems, you can give your dog 1 to 4 tablespoons of pure pumpkin -- canned or fresh -- at mealtime. How much you feed your dog depends on his size and calorie needs. As a treat, the pumpkin you give your dog should be factored into his overall daily calorie needs. Your veterinarian can help you determine your dog’s specific calorie needs.

Can dogs eat boiled pumpkin?

You can feed plain boiled and cooked pumpkin to your dog.

How do I cook pumpkin for my dog?

You can boil, bake, or microwave fresh or frozen pumpkin. Make sure it's plain pumpkin with no additives.

Pumpkin is high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It can be a healthy addition to your dog's diet. It may also help ease digestive problems like constipation and diarrhea. It's important to only feed your dog pure pumpkin with no added sugar, salt, fat or spices, as those can be unhealthy and even dangerous. It's always best to ask your veterinarian whether your dog can eat pumpkin, what type, and how often.