How to Choose a Dog Food Storage Container

Medically Reviewed by Kathleen Claussen, DVM on July 07, 2023
3 min read

What you do with dog food after you purchase it is an important part of keeping your dog healthy and safe. Proper storage of dog food maintains the products’ nutritional value, keeps out pests and rodents, and helps prevent your dog from overeating. 

When you choose a dog food storage container, it’s helpful to find one that is high quality and big enough for your dog food bag to fit in. Pet professionals recommend storing the dog food in the original bag instead of pouring the food into a storage container. This can help maintain the quality of the food and prevent it from spoiling over time.

Dog food storage containers come in many shapes, sizes, and materials. Before you choose one, it's helpful to keep a few things in mind. 

Materials. Glass, ceramic, or plastic containers are popular choices for dog food storage containers because they can be both affordable and durable. However, it’s essential to check that plastic food storage containers don’t include BPA or any other plastic contaminants because they can be dangerous to dogs. 

BPA stands for bisphenol-A. It is an industrial chemical used in certain plastics to make dog food storage containers. Some research has shown that BPA can seep into food from containers made with BPA. This can present a potential health concern for your dog; however, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said that BPA in small amounts might be safe at very low levels. The FDA continues to monitor research on this topic.

Stainless steel containers are another option for dog food storage containers. They’re durable, clean, and are never made with BPA.

Airtight seal. No matter the type of dog food storage container you choose, it’s important to buy one with an airtight seal. This can keep your food fresh and dry for longer periods of time. 

Dimensions and capacity. If you bring a new dog food storage container into your home, make sure you have the space for it and that it's big enough to hold your bag of dog food. 

Finding the right dog food storage container is important. Start by looking at different options and evaluating which one would be the best fit for your dog. You can also talk to your vet about recommended dog food storage containers. 

You can help keep your dog healthy by following these tips for your dog food storage container:

Store your dog food in the original bag and place it in the dog food storage container. 

  • Make sure that your dog food storage container has a lid that’s clean, dry, and fits snuggly.
  • Store your dog food container in a clean, dry area. Excess heat and moisture can cause the nutrients in the food to break down. 
  • By storing your dog food in its original bag, you’ll have access to all the information about the product in case you have any questions. 

Keep everything as clean as possible. 

  • Wash dog food bowls and food scoops after each use. This helps prevent the dog food from getting contaminated with germs. 
  • Always check the “best by” date on the dog food bag to ensure the food is safe and fresh. If the food is expired, do not serve it to your dog. 

Consider what type of storage container will work best for you. 

  • If your dog is motivated to try to get into its food bag, keep the storage container somewhere secure where they won’t be able to reach it. 
  • If you’re storing a large amount of dog food, consider buying a storage container with wheels to make it easier to move around. 
  • If you have different types of dog food, consider buying separate stackable containers that can be easily stored. 

Have a game plan. 

  • When you buy dog food or a dog food storage container, hang on to the manufacturer's information. You can often find this on the side of the dog food bag or dog food container. If you have any problems with the product, like a broken piece or faulty packaging, you’ll have the information you need to contact the company for help. 

It’s always a good idea to do your research and to select the best food and food storage container for your dog. Finding the right dog food storage container helps maintain the dog foods’ nutritional value, keeps out pests and rodents, and helps prevent your dog from overeating. If you’re unsure of which container to choose, you can consult your vet.