Medically Reviewed by Amy Flowers, DVM on February 13, 2023
Give Your Pal Shelter From the Weather

Give Your Pal Shelter From the Weather

Winter calls for extra insulation in dog houses and other outdoor animal shelters. To keep your pet cozy, make a raised bed using a fluffy cushion or blanket. You can also make a bed of dry hay or cedar shavings, but change them often if you do. Check and refresh water bowls often to make sure they don’t freeze over.

Stave Off Sunburn

Stave Off Sunburn

The dog days of summer pose danger for our faithful friends. Short-haired, close-shaven, and light-colored pets are prone to sunburns. The tender skin of snouts, noses, ears, and tails is also exposed to the UV rays. Rub on doggie sunblock (at least SPF 15 in strength) about 15 minutes before a long stretch in the sun. Make sure your pet has a shady spot to hang out, too.

Keep Hot Dogs Cool

Keep Hot Dogs Cool

Heat can be hazardous to your pet’s health. Be sure they have plenty of water. Choose outside bowls that won’t tip, and fill them often. On walks, bring a water bowl and spray bottle for cooling drinks and showers along the way. Never leave pets alone in a vehicle during summer. Temperatures can climb above 100 degrees in a matter of moments.

Know the Symptoms of Heatstroke

Know the Symptoms of Heatstroke

Humans cool down when we sweat. Dogs chill when they pant. But if your pet can’t stop panting, has labored breathing, their gums turn white or blue, or they become lethargic, get to a vet right away. These are warning signs of heatstroke, which can cause serious illness or even death.

Skip the Chocolate Mulch

Skip the Chocolate Mulch

One kind of bark has a mean bite. Mulch made from the hulls of cocoa beans smells like chocolate, which attracts animals. Like real chocolate, it’s bad for your pooch. Soak the mulch, or wait for a heavy rain to wash away the tempting aroma. You could also pick less-flavorful products like pine straw or cypress nuggets instead.

Patrol the Pool and Pond

Patrol the Pool and Pond

Wading pools can offer relief from the heat, but deeper waters are danger zones. Whether beachside or poolside, train your dog to climb to dry land. Never leave them alone in the water. Make sure pool covers are tightly in place to prevent drowning. Salt and chlorine aren’t good for your dog’s fur, skin, eyes, nose, or stomach, so don’t let them drink the water, either. After a swim, give them a good rinse. Talk to your vet about products that clean ears and dry them out after a swim.

Ditch the Dumpster Diving

Ditch the Dumpster Diving

Stinky compost and trash piles smell great to your dog. But they’re also filled with rotting food, bacteria, parasites, and germs that are bad for them. Items in the recycling bin have sharp edges that can damage snouts, paws, tongues, and tummies. Choose waste containers with tight-fitting tops. Place tin and broken glass inside cans, and then crush or crimp the rims shut. Keep dogs in your gaze as they graze.

Steer Clear of Puddles

Steer Clear of Puddles

Train your pooch to be a puddle jumper, or at least steer them around them. Standing water is a perfect place for bacteria and parasites to breed. If your pet swallows them when they take a drink, they could get seriously ill. Puddles can also contain antifreeze -- which is deadly if animals drink it -- or runoff full of icky chemicals.

Control the Critters

Control the Critters

Whether it’s a collar, a pill, or a medication you put on their skin, it's important to keep your pet flea- and tick-free. These bugs feast on their blood -- and yours. Plus they carry nasty ailments like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Talk to your vet about the best choice. If you live in a place where ticks thrive, check your pet after every trip outside. If they have fleas, chances are they’re in your house and yard, too. The vet can tell you how to treat them.

Get the Pests, Not Your Pets

Get the Pests, Not Your Pets

Pest control requires pet patrol. Some products, including many that tackle fleas and ticks, won’t hurt your pal. But most poisons used to kill rats, moles, gophers, slugs, and snails are strong enough to harm your dog. Buy pet-proof bait traps, and stand guard as needed to keep your dog from digging up buried poisons. Store them out of your pet’s reach.

Pick Pet-Safe Products

Pick Pet-Safe Products

The things that make your yard and garden healthy, like fertilizers and weed killers, can make your four-legged friend sick. Look for non-toxic options and use them as directed. Make sure spray-on chemicals have dried before you let your dog roam the yard. Keep bags and bottles tightly sealed where they can’t get to them.

Fight Flying Foes

Fight Flying Foes

You’ll hear a yelp or yowl if your dog is attacked by a bee, yellow jacket, wasp, or hornet. Caulk cracks around windows, doors, and attics, and watch out for burrows where these insects build nests. Long-range aerosol sprays can get rid of unwanted pests. If your dog gets stung, scrape out the stinger. Apply a paste of baking soda and water, then ice the area. An OTC antihistamine, in the right dose for their weight, may also be needed (call your vet for the right amount). But go straight to the vet if they have trouble breathing or lots of swelling.

Provide a Winter Wardrobe

Provide a Winter Wardrobe

Furry friends need more than their own coats to keep warm in winter. Ideally, pets should stay indoors, going outside only for exercise and potty breaks. For outings, dress them in sweaters or coats when temps fall below freezing. Add booties to their wardrobe to protect paws from snow and ice, which can cause frostbite, or salt, which can cause burns. Dampen a towel with warm water to wipe down your dog's paws when they come in from the cold.