Myths and Facts About Psoriasis
Myth: Stress Causes It
Fact: Talking Is Treatment
Myth: Hot Water Heals
Fact: Vinegar Soothes Scalps
Myth: Diet Makes No Difference
Fact: Heart Disease Risk Goes Up
Myth: Avoid the Sun at All Costs
Fact: You Should Avoid Alcohol
Myth: Exercise Makes It Worse
Fact: Baths Can Be a Balm
Myth: It Affects Fertility
Fact: Herbs and Spices Can Help
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1) tommaso79 / Getty Images
2) fizkes / Getty Images
3) AndreyPopov / Getty Images
4) YelenaYemchuk / Getty Images
5) SvetaVo / Getty Images
6) PORNCHAI SODA / Getty Images
7) Haveseen / Getty Images
8) Amie Brink / WebMD
9) DragonImages / Getty Images
10) Helin Loik-Tomson / Getty Images
11) Rawpixel / Getty Images
12) Marina Vol / Getty Images
National Psoriasis Foundation: “Anti-inflammatory Diet,” “Herbal and Natural Remedies,” “How Cigarettes and Alcohol Affect Psoriasis,” “Managing Itch,” “Over the counter (OTC) Topicals,” “Stress and Psoriatic Disease.”
Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance: “Psoriasis and the Sun,” “Psychological Aspects of Psoriasis,” “Self-help.”
Mayo Clinic: “Psoriasis.”
Medicine (Baltimore): “Association between physical activity and risk of prevalent psoriasis.”
NHS: “Living with Psoriasis.”