Teens Learn About Colds and Germs
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Nurse and Students
You are going to put it all over your hands and you going to try and take them off. Narrator
The teens in this health class are learning how to take care of themselves by teaching each other how germs are spread. Demonstrations, like this one using shaving cream as a "stand in" for infectious germs, impress upon these youngsters just how tough it can be to avoid becoming contaminated with harmful viruses and bacteria. Dr. Brunilda Nazario, WebMD Senior Medical Editor
Who got clean hands? Narrator
WebMD's own senior medical editor, Dr. Brunilda Nazario, recently paid a house call here at North Springs High just outside of Atlanta. She wanted a diagnosis on how much kids know on how to keep germs from getting an upper hand and what to do should they get sick. Dr. Brunilda Nazario, WebMD Senior Medical Editor
Even though your hands look clean, you still have germs—bacteria's everywhere. Narrator
Another demo to drive home the lesson. The black light reveals how and where germs are transmitted from person to person… Student
That is extra nasty. Dr. Brunilda Nazario, WebMD Senior Medical Editor
So what do you have on your hands? Narrator
Aside from the usual recommendations like regular hand washing and doctor checkups, rest and plenty of fluids; this class is also learning the prudence of keeping a distance… from their peers when they're sick… and from things that might make them sick when they're not… Dr. Brunilda Nazario, WebMD Senior Medical Editor
I'll tell you something you may not know, as you flush that toilet those droplettes spray about six to ten feet. You may want to change your toothbrush to the other side. Okay, brush your teeth. Wash your face. What's next? Student
Makeup. Dr. Brunilda Nazario, WebMD Senior Medical Editor
Makeup. Sharing mascara…that stuff can carry viruses. It can carry bacteria… You've all heard of pink eye, right? Narrator
Later, the kids tested each other on their what they had learned: Student
What's a good reason for staying home from school? Student
So you don't spread germs to other people… Student
Should you let someone take a sip from your water bottle? Student
No…no Student
How can germs be spread through kissing? Student
Well through kissing, it's a direct exchange of saliva—bodily fluids Student
What part of your body are germs most likely to enter your system? Student
Through your hands and your mouth… Narrator
Useful lessons for cutting down their chances of becoming ill or infecting others if they do catch a bug. Student
Oooh…come on. Give me high fives… Narrator
For WebMD, I'm Damon Meharg.