Taking Control of Your Cancer Risk
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In this webinar, you’ll learn about: 
  • Steps for assessing your cancer risk
  • Which health screenings you need, and when
  • The role that food, exercise, and sleep play in your cancer risk
  • The relationship between stress and cancer

This webinar provides straightforward information about cancer risk and equips you with tools and strategies for your journey to better health.

Dr. John Whyte talks about the latest cancer rates and trends, including some cancer risks that may surprise you. He also debunks the myth that cancer risk is mostly genetic, meaning you have no control over it. While your genes do play a role, he explains it’s your lifestyle and environment that matter most.

You’ll learn how your sleep, diet, exercise, medications, and stress affect your cancer risk – and how to start lowering yours today.

About the expert, John Whyte, MD, MPH

Physician and WebMD Chief Medical Officer John Whyte, MD, MPH, has been communicating with the public about health issues for nearly 2 decades.

He leads efforts to develop and expand strategic partnerships that create meaningful change around important and timely public health issues. Prior to WebMD, he was Director of Professional Affairs and Stakeholder Engagement at the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

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