Fast Facts About Your Skin

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Skin's not just your body's biggest organ, it's also the fastest growing. Here's the skinny.

Did you know your body is covered in about 19 million skin cells? And it sheds up to 40,000 cells a day as new ones grow in. So in about a month, say so long to the skin you see right now.

There is a lot going on underneath its surface. A single inch of your skin has about 1,000 nerve endings, 650 sweat glands, and 20 blood vessels.

Melanin, also called pigment, is what gives your skin its color. The more your skin makes, the darker your complexion.

Really pay attention to your skin. Check your body from head to toe once a month for unusual skin changes.

A lot of the time it may be nothing to worry about, but some skin changes can be symptoms of skin cancer. Tell your doctor if you notice things like new bumps or spots, one that change in size, shape, or color, or scarred or scaly areas.

Remember to be good to your skin, wear sunscreen every day, skip the tanning salon, don't smoke, and moisturize daily.