Reasons Your House Stinks
Front-Loading Washing Machine
Garbage Disposal
New Furniture
Dirty Carpet
Funky Fridge
Wet Towels
Dead Animal
Stale Sheets
Smelly Dishwasher
Hidden Mold
Sewer Smell In the Basement
Hot Water Heater
Natural Gas Leak
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8) Wikipedia
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14) BanksPhotos / Getty Images
EPA: "What does mold smell like?" "Mold and Health," "What is the difference between Mold and Mildew?" "A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home," “Volatile Organic Compounds' Impact on Indoor Air Quality.”
Consumer Reports: "Mold in Your Washing Machine: The Mystery & the Menace," "How to Clean a Dishwasher," "5 Easy Steps to Clean a Smelly Dishwasher," “How to Clean Your Garbage Disposal.”
Environmental Microbiology: "Diversity, distribution and sources of bacteria in residential kitchens."
Tufts Now: "Why does rotting food smell bad?"
American Lung Association: "Carpets."
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: "Do Carpets Impair Indoor Air Quality and Cause Adverse Health Outcomes: A Review."
U.S. Department of Agriculture: "Refrigeration and Food Safety."
Applied and Environmental Microbiology: "Moraxella Species Are Primarily Responsible for Generating Malodor in Laundry," "Microbial Diversity and Putative Opportunistic Pathogens in Dishwasher Biofilm Communities."
Cleveland Clinic: "How Often Should You Wash Your (Germ Magnet of a) Bath Towel?" "Here’s How Often You Should Wash Your Sheets in the Summer -- and the Disgusting Reasons Why."
Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management: "Identifying and Responding to Wildlife Odors."
Scientific World Journal: “Emission Rates of Volatile Organic Compounds Released from Newly Produced Household Furniture Products Using a Large-Scale Chamber Testing Method.”
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: "Mold Allergy."
CDC: "You Can Control Mold," “Formaldehyde in Your Home: What you need to know,” “Cats,” “Dogs,” “Toxic Substances Portal -- Hydrogen Sulfide Carbonyl Sulfide.”
City of Kerrville: "Why Do I Have Sewer Odor In My Home?"
Illinois Department of Public Health: "Hydrogen Sulfide Gas."
PLOS One: “Characterization of the urinary microbiome in healthy dogs.”
The Humane Society of the United States: “Preventing litter box problems.”
Harvard Health Publishing: “Simple steps for avoiding infections from dogs and cats.”
Minnesota Department of Health: “Why Does My Water Smell Like Rotten Eggs?” "Gas."
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection: "What To Do If You Smell Natural Gas."