Ways to Prevent Wandering

Medically Reviewed by Zilpah Sheikh, MD on July 04, 2024
8 min read

Wandering is when a person becomes confused about their surroundings and stray from where they’re supposed to be. Wandering is aimless and doesn’t have a purpose. 

Another similar concern is “elopement” – leaving a safe place such as home or a nursing facility either intentionally or unintentionally and becoming lost.

Six in 10 people living with dementia wander at least once. Many will do so multiple times. One of the biggest concerns of caregivers who help people with cognitive problems is how to prevent wandering.

A normal brain uses a process called cognitive mapping to navigate the world. We use memory and spatial awareness to get a sense of where we are and how to get where we need to go. 

When you have Alzheimer’s disease, this ability starts to fail, and it’s difficult to retrace your steps if you end up somewhere you don’t recognize. 

Wandering and dementia

Doctors don't know exactly why wandering happens, but often people with Alzheimer’s feel like they need to search for something they’ve lost or get back to a place they remember. Confusion is common, as well as problems recognizing faces and places.

Some triggers for wandering in dementia include:

  • Problems being able to follow instructions to stay somewhere and wait
  • Agitation
  • New routines or situations
  • Reacting to something they see or hear 

Wandering is a risk associated with many conditions, such as autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, and dementia (which can result from Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, head injuries, and Parkinson’s disease).

It’s important for caregivers to know when this can happen so they can help prevent it. 

Wandering and autism

Autism is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others. Someone with autism may wander because their sense of danger is underdeveloped and they don’t feel fear about a new situation.

Others may be trying to get away from a situation that makes them anxious. Often people with autism can fixate on interesting objects, and they may wander away to follow something that catches their eye. Sensory overload is common in autism, too. Bright lights or lots of noise might make someone with autism leave a space for somewhere calmer. 

Wandering and Down syndrome 

People with Down syndrome sometimes wander much as a curious toddler would. The risk of this is higher if they also have autism. 

Wandering and stroke

A common effect of stroke is memory loss. Someone who has had a stroke can get confused and have trouble following instructions and may get lost easily. Memory may get better over time after a stroke, either with rehabilitation or on its own. 

Some behaviors can signal someone is at risk for wandering. These include:

  • Repeating phrases like “I want to go home,” “I need to go to work,” or “I have to go shopping”
  • Showing signs they don’t recognize their house anymore
  • Needing reminders about where their bedroom or bathroom is
  • Acting more restless, pacing around
  • Not remembering to come back into the house when they are outside
  • Trouble staying on task, forgetting what they’re doing or where they are

Wandering can be dangerous and even life-threatening for someone with dementia. The chances of survival are only 50% after 24 hours when someone with dementia wanders.

Someone who wanders away and gets lost is in danger of many hazards including walking into traffic, falling, getting dehydrated, being exposed to the elements (too hot or too cold). 

Of course, no one can watch another person every second of every day. We’re only human, and even the best and most dedicated caregiver can’t stop wandering every time. But by following some of the tips below, you can help to keep your loved one safe. What’s more, you can feel a lot more confident and a lot less anxious.

Secure your home

To help your loved one stay safe at home, you may want to put new locks on your doors and windows that your loved one can’t open easily. If you can put the locks high up, your loved one is less likely to notice or reach them. Depending on your situation, you may also need to install bars on windows. Motion detectors can alert you when someone opens an outer door. A simple solution is to hang bells on the doorknobs.

Make sure the person always carries ID 

It won’t stop the behavior, but making sure your loved one has ID at all times is crucial. Keep in mind that putting an ID in a person’s wallet isn’t enough because they could remove it, either on purpose or by accident. Medical ID jewelry -- like a bracelet or pendant -- is a good idea. You could also sew identification into your loved one’s jacket. Another option: temporary tattoos. They’re available in kits and give basic information about the person's health condition, along with space for your phone number.

Dress your loved one in bright clothing

If it’s reasonable and your loved one doesn’t mind, consider dressing them in clothing that’s easy to see from a distance. This can be a good way to prevent wandering if you plan to be in a crowd.

Put up a fence 

It can be expensive, but putting up a fence -- with secured gates -- can stop wandering while giving your loved one a way to get some fresh air.

Use radio tracking devices 

Bracelets or other jewelry with radio transmitters can be a big help. Some are short-range and designed so that caregivers can keep watch on the person themselves. Some sound an alarm on both the bracelet and a base unit when the person gets too far away. Others are services that charge a monthly fee and use devices to pinpoint the person’s location. The company can track them and will work with local law enforcement, or the organization Project Lifesaver, to get them back to you.

Know your neighbors

Introduce your loved one to your neighbors so they get to know their face. Tell them that this person may wander and that your neighbors should let you know if they see them out alone. Give everyone a number where they can reach you. The clearer you are, the better -- many people are naturally inclined not to get involved.

Put up signs 

Sometimes, just hanging a sign inside a door to the outside that says ''Stop'' or ''Do Not Enter'' can be enough to stop your loved one from wandering. Think about putting signs on other doors -- like the one to the bathroom -- so they can see which door leads where, and they won’t accidentally wind up outside.

Increase physical activity 

This advice doesn’t apply to everybody. But some experts believe that getting exercise during the day can help keep someone from going off on their own at night. Even a supervised walk around the block before dinner may be enough to cut down on nighttime agitation.

Focus on sleep habits 

Some conditions linked with wandering have a link to poor sleep quality. The act itself could result from sleeplessness. Do what you can to practice good sleep hygiene with your loved one. As much as you are able, get them on a regular schedule of going to bed and waking up. To help keep them safely at home, have them nap less during the day and cut out caffeinated drinks.

Consider if there’s another cause

In many cases, this behavior may not have a reason. But sometimes, caregivers come to understand that there’s a motive behind it and figure out ways to keep it from happening. If someone with dementia becomes agitated and wanders at night, maybe there’s a simple trigger, like being thirsty or hungry. Leaving a glass of water or a few crackers by the bed could help. A child with autism might have a fixation with certain sounds or objects and tend to go off to check them out. If you can predict what will attract attention, you may be able to head off situations in which going off alone is a real danger.

Wandering can happen at any stage of dementia. It becomes more common in the middle and later stages when faces and locations become harder to recognize and agitation increases.

If your efforts to prevent wandering haven’t worked and your loved one has gone off, what should you do? Your natural reaction will probably be to run outside and frantically search in any direction.

But experts say the first thing you should do is call 911 to alert authorities. If your loved one is registered with organizations like Project Lifesaver or the Alzheimer’s Association Safe Return program, you can call them, too. Once you’ve done that, you can start looking at yourself.

The Wandering Information Sheet is a form created by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center that helps family members of people with dementia and law enforcement if a loved one wanders away and gets lost. 

You fill out the form with information about your loved one: their physical description, name, and other important facts like whether they have glasses or a walker. It also includes their doctor’s contact information, and places for details about their condition.

Since all searches begin with a questioning period, filling the form out ahead of time will help save time and give the most accurate information for those involved in the search. 

Wandering is a common behavior for people with dementia. Doctors aren’t sure why it happens, but the confusion and agitation that comes with the condition often plays a part. There are signs that can help you recognize if a loved one may wander as well as tips you can take to help prevent wandering.  

What are some interventions for wandering?

To keep tabs on someone who is at a risk for wandering, make sure you secure their space with locks on doors and alarms on windows. Keep car keys out of reach, childproof doorknobs, and consider a tracking device for their clothing. Give your loved one tasks to do so they don’t become restless, and stick to a schedule. Make sure they get good sleep, healthy food, and physical activity.

What does it mean when someone with dementia wants to go home?

The confusion caused by dementia combined with triggers such as stress or change in routine can make them feel like they’re supposed to be somewhere else, or that they lost something they have to go back to.

Why do Alzheimer patients walk so much?

Walking helps relieve stress and boredom. Often people with Alzheimer’s feel restless or lost. Or they may be trying to ease pain. They may also get into the habit of walking and need to keep to a schedule to lessen anxiety.