Is It Lyme Disease or RA?

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Lyme disease is a master of disguise. Sometimes, it mimics other conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis. Both problems can bring on joint pain, tiredness, and fevers.

But don't be deceived. Lyme disease starts when a black-legged tick or a deer tick bites you. If it's carrying a certain type of bacteria, you can get infected. RA happens when your immune system goes haywire and mistakenly attacks healthy body parts. No one is sure why.

Think you may have Lyme disease or RA? See your doctor immediately. She can use blood tests and other exams to figure out what's going on. If it's Lyme disease, antibiotics help most people recover. If it's RA, medications can ease your pain and keep this long-term condition from getting worse.

Diet and exercise changes can also help you feel better. The key to overcoming either problem-- get diagnosed and treated as soon as you can.