Should Mothers Choose Epidurals?
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: Do you believe in epidurals?
Keith Eddleman, MD, Maternal-Fetal Medicine
I believe in pain control and pain management, and I think that studies looking at satisfaction for the whole birth process have definitely shown that women who have undergo an epidural, use an epidural, are in general, pleased with the outcome of their pregnancy and the whole birth experience, so yes. I think that for some women, they are right. Some women choose not to have them, and that's okay too. I think it's an individual decision. Narrator
Is their an advantage to having birth naturally for the baby? Keith Eddleman, MD, Maternal-Fetal Medicine
There really is no long term effect from having the epidural. There's no long term fetal effect from that. You know, there are some studies that show maybe the second stage is a little long with an epidural, things like that maybe the process of labor has slowed down a little bit, but the net effect on the fetus is not there. There's no net effect on the fetus from having an epidural.