Reasons Your Neck Hurts
Causes of Pain
Unusual Sleep Position
Treatment for Unusual Sleep Position
Neck Strain
Treatment for Neck Strain
‘Text Neck’ Syndrome
Treatment for Text Neck
Treatment for Stinger
Treatment for Whiplash
Herniated Disk
Treatment for Herniated Disk
Spinal Stenosis
Treatment for Spinal Stenosis
Bone Spurs
Treatment for Bone Spurs
Spinal Tumor
Treatment for Spinal Tumor
Degenerative Disk Disease
Treatment for Degenerative Disk Disease
1) Tanya Constantine / Thinkstock
2) kevinruss / Thinkstock
3) Arijuhani / Thinkstock
4) ziherMP / Thinkstock
5) michaelpuche / Thinkstock
6) william87 / Thinkstock
7) dolgachov / Thinkstock
8) Wavebreakmedia / Thinkstock
9) Wavebreakmedia / Thinkstock
10) bowdenimages / Thinkstock
11) Jacob Ammentorp Lund / Thinkstock
12) tiero / Thinkstock
13) Tatomm / Thinkstock
14) m_pavlov / Thinkstock
15) bdspn / Thinkstock
16) CNRI / Getty Images
17) johnkellerman / Thinkstock
18) stockdevil / Thinkstock
19) Pratchaya / Thinkstock
20) ZEPHYR / Getty Images
21) AndreyPopov / Thinkstock
Mayo Clinic: “Brachial plexus injury,” “Diseases and Conditions: Neck Pain,” “Diseases and Conditions: Bone Spurs,” “Diseases and Conditions: Whiplash.”
Spine-Health: “Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease Treatments,” “How to Avoid Text Neck Overuse Syndrome,” “Best Pillows for Different Sleeping Positions,” “Neck Pain Causes,” “Treatments for Spinal Tumors,” “Symptoms of a Spinal Tumor,” “Cervical Osteophytes: Bone Spurs in the Neck,” “Treatment For Back Pain.”
University of Maryland Medical Center: “Neck Pain Overview.”