Signs It Could Be More Than a Cold
Symptoms Come On Fast
Increase in Temperature
Body Aches
Cough With Mucus
Sore Throat
Chest Tightness or Pain
Shortness of Breath
Ear, Face, or Eye Pressure
Symptoms That Don't Go Away
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9) Sebastian Kaulitzki / Thinkstock
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CDC: “Cold Versus Flu,” “Strep Throat: All You Need to Know.” "Fever.”
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition: “Chapter 211: Fevers, Chills, and Night Sweats.”
Nicklaus Children’s Hospital: “Chills.”
American Lung Association: “Pneumonia,” “Shortness of Breath: Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors.”
Asthma UK: “Symptoms of Asthma.”
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: “Bronchitis.”
Mayo Clinic: “Fever,” “Wheezing,” “Food Allergy,” “Acute Sinusitis,” “Fatigue Causes.”
Harvard Medical School: “Influenza: how to prevent and treat a serious infection,” “How long does the flu last?” “When a Chest Cold Is Something More.”
American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology: “Headaches Connected to Allergies and Sinus Problems,” “Rhinitis (Hay Fever),” “Sinus Infection.”
Teens Health From Nemours: “Coping With Colds (For Teens).”
Cleveland Clinic: “Pediatric Ear Infections.”