Natural Cold and Flu Remedies
Natural Cold and Flu Remedies
Vitamin C
Chicken Soup
Hot Tea
Sinus Devices
Hot Toddy
Saline Irrigation
Neti Pot
Menthol Ointment
Saltwater Gargle
Nasal Strips
Let Your Fever Work
Bed Rest
(1) Anne Rippy / The Image Bank / Getty Images
(2) Maria Mosolova / Photographer's Choice / Getty Images
(3) Brayden Knell / WebMD
(4) Wally Eberhart / Visuals Unlimited / Getty Images
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(6) Plush Studios / Digital Vision / Photolibrary
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(9) Kroeger - Gross / StockFood Creative / Getty Images
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(11 Glow Wellness
(12) iStockphoto
(13) WebMD
(14) Dex Image / Getty Images
(15) © Michael Keller / CORBIS
(16) Larry Dale Gordon / The Image Bank / Getty Images
(17) iStockphoto
American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology: "Saline Sinus Rinse Recipe."
Eccles, R. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, September 1990.
Fruits & Veggies More Matters: "Vegetable of the Month: Garlic."
Joslin, P. Advances in Therapy, July/August 2001.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: "Echinacea" and "In the News: Zinc and the Common Cold."
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database.
Oregon State University, The Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center: "Vitamin C."
Bioelectronic Medicine: "Prospective trial examining safety and efficacy of microcurrent stimulation for the treatment of sinus pain and congestion."
U.S. Food and Drug Administration: "De Novo Classification Request for ClearUP Sinus Relief."
SinuSonic: "Sinus Therapy for Nasal Congestion and Stuffiness.,"
Tivic Health: "The future of bioelectronic medicine."
Rennard, B. Chest, October 2000.
Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University: Micronutrient Information Center.