Latest Blog Posts from Daniel Garcia

Things We Want You to Know

Things We Want You to Know

I would venture to guess that everyone with AS has had “one of those days.” I know when my days aren’t ideal, the stress of letting people down is sometimes overwhelming. I will ...

By Daniel GarciaSeptember 21, 2023
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Feeling ‘Paingry’? Managing Stress With AS

Feeling ‘Paingry’? Managing Stress With AS

How do you handle stress? I’m the type of person that buries it deep down and forgets about it. Then when you least expect it, it “pops.” This not only affects me but everyone ...

By Daniel GarciaAugust 8, 2023
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Things I’ve Learned Traveling With AS

Things I’ve Learned Traveling With AS

Traveling with any disability can be a challenge. People with disabilities have different needs and handling some of those needs can be a challenge away from home. I’ve ...

By Daniel GarciaMay 11, 2023
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The Challenges of Changing Doctors

The Challenges of Changing Doctors

One of my least favorite things to do is to go to a new doctor. I have been diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis for almost 20 years, and trying to condense ...

By Daniel GarciaMarch 23, 2023
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New Year, New You

New Year, New You

Are you the type of person that makes New Year’s resolutions? I have tried to make big plans for the new year only to have them fail miserably. I have high ...

By Daniel GarciaJanuary 19, 2023
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Understanding the Pains

Understanding the Pains

I think everyone understands pain. We have all had some sort of physical pain at one point in time. Big pains or small pains, it doesn’t matter. Sometimes ...

By Daniel GarciaNovember 23, 2022
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