Healthy Seniors Medical Reference
- Lo que debes saber sobre el aislamiento social y la soledad
La falta de conexiones cercanas con otras personas puede aumentar el riesgo de serios problemas de salud en las personas mayores.
- Health Care Can Be Hard to Find in Rural America
The population of rural America skews older than anywhere else in the U.S. Yet the older adults who need health care most have less of it out in the country.
- Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults
A lack of connection can put older adults at risk of serious health problems. Here’s how to help your loved one stay connected.
- Support Healthy Aging in the Hispanic Community
For many Hispanics, the health care inequities they face get worse after they turn 50.
- Share Your Healthy Lifestyle With Family
Discover ways to encourage your entire family to adopt healthy habits, so you can all enjoy a more fulfilling life after 50.
- Health Risks You May Face, and How to Address Them
After age 50, the risk of certain chronic conditions gets higher for Hispanic adults. Regular checkups can help you catch any problems early.
- How Life Can Improve After 50
By age 50, you might find that you look at the world differently, and your priorities might shift toward taking care of your health.
- How to Stay Healthy After 50
You can enjoy a healthier life by getting regular screenings and checkups with your doctor and staying on top of your vaccinations.
- Tener buena salud en la comunidad hispana
Para muchos hispanos, las desigualdades en el cuidado de la salud que ellos enfrentan empeora después de cumplir 50 años. Obtén más información.
- Un estilo de vida saludable para toda la familia
Descubre cómo puedes incentivar a tus seres queridos para que adopten nuevos hábitos que les permita a todos disfrutar de una vida más saludable.
- Los riesgos que podrían afectar a tu salud
El riesgo de ciertas enfermedades aumenta para los adultos hispanos después de los 50 años. Obtén más información sobre cómo mantenerte saludable.
- Cómo puedes mejorar tu vida
A los 50 años, es posible que veas el mundo desde otra perspectiva y que cambien tus prioridades sobre el cuidado de tu salud. Obtén más información.
- Cómo mantenerte saludable después de los 50
Para disfrutar de la buena salud después de los 50 años, mantente al día con las vacunas y con los exámenes médicos. Obtén más información.
- Estate alerta a estos 5 indicios de demencia
¿Te preocupa que un ser querido mayor tenga demencia? Infórmate sobre los primeros indicios.
- Consejos para cuidadores: cómo proteger a los adultos mayores de los peligros
Cuidar a adultos mayores requiere mucha atención a los detalles. Aprende a protegerlos de los peligros.
- Cuidados paliativos: cómo vivir bien con una enfermedad severa
Los cuidados paliativos no solo son para el final de la vida. Aprende cómo pueden ayudar a mejorar la salud de los adultos mayores.
- Advice for Caregivers: Protecting Older Adults From Harm
Caregiving for older adults requires a lot of attention to detail. Learn how to protect them from harm.
- Palliative Care: Living Well With Serious Illness
There’s more to palliative care than end-of-life transitions. Learn how palliative care can improve health for older adults.
- 5 Signs of Dementia You Need to Know
Concerned that an older loved one is facing dementia? Learn the early warning signs.
- Practice Strength and Fitness at Any Age
Exercise is especially powerful for older people because it can prevent or delay age-related health issues. It’s never too late to start.
- What Does Primary Care for Older Adults Include?
Primary care doctors can help those 65 and older with all of their health care needs. Learn how they treat routine illness and manage ongoing conditions like diabetes.
- Why All Older Adults Need a Primary Care Doctor
A primary care doctor who knows your health care needs can identify problems early, help manage chronic conditions, and make sure you get all the resources that are available.
- Caregiver Tips: Primary Care for Older Adults
If you’re a caregiver for an older adult, there are many things you can do so that you and your loved one both get the best care possible.
- PCPs Help Patients Manage Chronic Conditions
Primary care physicians can play a vital role in helping older adults manage chronic and complex health conditions.
- Choosing Between a Geriatrician and a Traditional PCP
The choice between a traditional PCP and a geriatrician usually comes down to the complexity and severity of your health concerns.
- Secretos para una buena salud en la tercera edad
¿Quieres vivir una vida larga y satisfecha? Estos 6 secretos, basados en la ciencia, demuestran cómo puedes gozar de una buena salud y mantenerte en forma en la tercera edad.
- Cambios en los cuidados de salud después de los 70
En comparación con los adultos jóvenes, los mayores necesitan más estudios de diagnóstico y tienen más condiciones de salud. Descubre cómo cambian tus necesidades de salud después de los 70 años y cómo puede ayudarte tu médico.
- Cinco maneras en que los adultos mayores pueden recibir atención de salud apropiada para su edad
El enfoque hacia los adultos mayores ha cambiado. Los médicos y enfermeros deben centrarse en las prioridades del paciente, no solo en sus problemas de salud.
- What to Know About Senior Centers
Senior centers allow older adults to build community in an engaging setting. Learn more about senior centers, their benefits, and if they might be suitable for you or your loved one.
- Caring for a Loved One With Memory Loss
As your loved one reaches their 70s or 80s, you may see changes in their thinking and behavior. Learn how to meet the challenges and plan for the future.
- How to Use the Apple Watch Fall Detection Feature
Apple Watch now offers Fall Detection. Learn how it works, how to set it up, and how accurate it is.
- What to Know About Raised Toilet Seats
Find out what you need to know about raised toilet seats, and discover if it’s the right piece of equipment for you.
- What to Know About Life Insurance for Older People
Learn how to navigate life insurance for older people and choose the best plan for you.
- What to Know About Transportation Services for Older People
Learn about transportation services for older people: when older people should stop driving and what senior transport services can help you or your loved ones.
- What to Know About Bath Chairs for Older People
What are bath and shower chairs, and how can they improve your life? Find out what you need to know to buy the safest bath chair for elderly use.
- What to Know About Shower Chairs and Tub Benches
Find out what you need to know about shower chairs and tub benches. Discover the different types and how to choose the right one.
- What to Know About Bedside Commodes
Find out what you need to know about bedside commodes and their safe use. Learn how to keep them clean and hygienic.
- Is Social Security Taxable? What to Know
Find out if you have to pay taxes on your Social Security income.
- What Is the Otago Exercise Program?
Find out what you need to know about the Otago Exercise Program, including whether or not it may benefit you.
- What Is the "Stepping On" Program?
Find out what you need to know about the Stepping On program.
- What Is the Older Americans Act?
Find out what you need to know about the Older Americans Act and what safeguards it provides.
- What Is the Beers Criteria?
The Beers Criteria helps your doctor avoid potentially dangerous medicines and combinations. Learn about this tool’s use and being safe when taking medicines.
- What Is Gerontology?
Find out what you need to know about the medical specialty of gerontology.
- 5 preguntas comunes sobre los hogares para envejecientes
Encuentra las respuestas a preguntas comunes sobre la atención en los hogares para personas mayores.
- Cómo cuidar a un ser querido que está perdiendo la memoria
A medida que tu ser querido alcanza los 70 años, es posible que notes cambios en su pensamiento y comportamiento. Aprende cómo enfrentar estos desafíos.
- 5 Common Questions About Nursing Home Care
Get answers to common questions about nursing home care.
- What to Know About Senior Nutrition Programs
Learn more about senior nutrition programs and how they aim to help older adults on a fixed income have access to healthy food.
- How to Clean Your Hearing Aids
Find out how to clean hearing aids, including the best types of cleaning agents and what not to use.
- Apoaequorin: What You Need to Know
Apoaequorin, the main ingredient in Prevagen, is an over-the-counter dietary supplement that claims to improve mild memory loss linked to aging. Find out what's in it, what the possible side effects are, and more.